Wrestling with whether to buy a root rake or root grapple (longer lower tines). Want to move wood and big rocks around the property as well as clear brush. chosen EA, due to strength & light weight for my FEL ( ~ 1100# lift capacity @pin) as I don’t want to give too much weight up to the attachment. Ordered the 55” wicked root rake grapple, but having second thoughts. Maybe the Root grapple with longer lower tines would be better for my application, as I’m not really doing much ground engagement ‘root raking’.
Also read another wise post re the tractor Not being a bulldozer... learned that one when I tried clearing a path in New Hampshire (read that as rocks everywhere) and popped a big rock out with the bucket edge and ‘fell’ in the hole left behind. Fortunately only bent the front wheel hydraulic line shield (thx kubota engineers).
Also read another wise post re the tractor Not being a bulldozer... learned that one when I tried clearing a path in New Hampshire (read that as rocks everywhere) and popped a big rock out with the bucket edge and ‘fell’ in the hole left behind. Fortunately only bent the front wheel hydraulic line shield (thx kubota engineers).