Well, frankly, he's got the cart before the horse.
Working on buying a house on 3 acres. Will need to do some mowing, don't think he needs a rotary mower/brush hog, but haven't seen the piece other than via Google Maps.
2 boys, dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, so he wants to rough out a track, therefor loader for sure, and probably a box blade.
Most of the stuff he's showing me and asking about is in the $10K to $12K bracket.
I've advised him that a JD 10xx or Kubota BX sized tractor of whatever brand would work but I think he'd wind up wishing he'd bought more tractor. Also counseled him that a good dealer within a reasonable distance is important. Told him to stay with major brands, avoid Chinese imports and gray market stuff.
Right now he's got so much stuff going on that he's not sure whether to wind his butt or scratch his watch.