G2160 starter problem

Bush wacker

New member

G2160, B8200
Apr 27, 2021
Western Pennsylvania
I have a g2160 with starter issues.
Sometimes it works sometimes not.
The battery is fully charged.
It starts no problem when I jump the starter.
I have replaced the solenoid. It works the same sometimes starts sometimes not.
it seems to start more often after it’s warmed up.
many suggestions will be appreciated.


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
You are likely seeing an intermittent safety-switch. Check beneath your seat for that switch. Check the switch attached to your shift-lever/foot-clutch/brake-pedal.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
you're gonna want to do a voltage test, and a voltage DROP test

First the drop test. One probe of your DVOM to the pos batt cable, other probe on the starter. On all voltage drop testing, you will test under a load-i.e., cranking the engine in this case. Also in all voltage drop tests you will want to see less than 0.5v drop (which is what you will want to see on the dvom)

then move to the negative side, one probe on batt - (or kubota calls it "earth" and the other probe on the engine. Crank the engine over. I suggest tying the fuel cut off solenoid to the "closed" (off) position for all testing. Again, you want to see 0.5v or less. More than 0.5v means you have a connection problem, or a wire problem.

Then take the probe off of the engine and put it on the chassis somewhere (clean of course). Crank again. 0.5v or less is good. More than 0.5v clean the ground AND the little jumper that connects engine to chassis. It's usually near an engine mount.

if those are ok I suggest doing one more test with your dvom. I would like to see you backprobe the small wire at the starter solenoid. Leave it hooked up, but somehow make a way to get your dvom probe on the terminal. Other probe goes on positive terminal of the battery. (side note kubota calls a positive cable a plus cord). Japanenglish. Again, 0.5v or less. I suspect you'll see much more than 0.5v drop and if that's the case order and install a John Deere AM107421 starter relay kit. Kubota has a kit too but it's essentially the same exact thing but about $100 instead of $40. Or you can make your own, but if you don't already have a relay and a bunch of terminals and the tools to crimp wires, it'll cost you a lot more than the $40 JD kit.


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Lifetime Member

L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
I have a g2160 with starter issues.
Sometimes it works sometimes not.
The battery is fully charged.
It starts no problem when I jump the starter.
I have replaced the solenoid. It works the same sometimes starts sometimes not.
it seems to start more often after it’s warmed up.
many suggestions will be appreciated.
I chased this problem for a whole summer. My machine has a bagger on it and about 4 extra safety interlocks. Never resolved the issue.

I threw the JD relay the PO had installed in the trash - it had same issues - and I keep a jumper wire under the hood. It never fails. I also have a G2460 and it cranks first time every time. I was blaming the bagger interlocks but now I wonder if its a diesel thing.



Well-known member

Kubota G2160
Apr 23, 2021
Rockford IL area
Sounds like the same issue I am having on my 2160. I traced mine down to bad "ign" switch. Apparently a common issue as Kubota does not use an "assist" relay as some do to get higher current 12v down there. Also for some reason the air flow from the fan causes the switch to get caked with filth.
I just ordered this switch https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B081SJSKH7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and will install it when it comes. But I will also be installing a starter assist relay. I am quite sure I can make one from an old Ford starter relay with no trouble.
At issue is apparently the start contacts in the ign switch get corroded/burned and fail
But any relatively high current 12V relay should do the trick
Seems to be a common issue


Well-known member

Kubota G2160
Apr 23, 2021
Rockford IL area
BTW I did troubleshoot all the way back to the switch today as I realized I had forgotten about interlocks and right at the switch feed it's only putting out 9 to 10v so definitely the switch


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
was just talking to a guy. His dad is old. He is kinda one of those guys that won't "fix" anything correctly rather jumper wire it and make it run. Jumped the tractor off like he has for the last, I don't know, decade or two, and it was in gear. Ran him over, broke femur and shattered tibia as the cutter rolled the leg under it. Lots of damage. Yeah I know "it's just a lawn mower" but the principle is the same.

Matt F

New member

Kubota G2160
Sep 29, 2022
DeKalb Illinois
I have read all the posts. I haven't done the Bush Wacker drop test yet. Likewise, I have affirmed all safety switches are working properly, I have had the starter rebuilt, then replaced with new, replaced all bat cables, and a new ign switch, it too starts with a jump, and by bypassing the key. It fires right up several times in a row, then just a click, if I hold the key in the start position, and have someone tap on the starter with a screwdriver handle a few times it pops right off. Try another starter? Is the relay that is mounter behind the screen under the steering wheel that says to "mount vertically", I believe it's called a fuel timer, or stop relay got anything to do with the starter?


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018


Active member

T1600, G4200, G5200, Ford 2810, 1974 Wheel Horse C100
Oct 14, 2021
Fayetteville GA
I had to put a helper relay on my T1600. The combo box is on its way out and can't support the amp draw from the starter anymore.