G1900S Won’t Shut Off


New member
Feb 27, 2020
Elkhorn, WI
I picked up a nice G1900S but after starting it will not shut off with the key. I’m currently having to use the fuel rail arm to kill it after each use. I’m assuming it’s in the key switch but was wondering if there is a way to diagnose for sure or specific wires to look at? Also it’s hard to start which I’m assuming is due to the way I’m shutting it off. Maybe starving it of fuel?


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Lifetime Member
May 30, 2012
One of the most common causes is a bad stop solenoid. Check to see if you get power to the solenoid. If you do, replace it and all should be well.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
First off I would suggest you get the WSM for it (aka Service Manual).
P/N 97897-10835

With it in hand you will be able to troubleshoot any issue that you have with it.

Hard starting issues are more likely an issue with either the glow plugs, quality of fuel, or compression issues.
You're not "starving it for fuel" when you move the stop linkage, you're simply cutting it off, and once you let go of the linkage it returns to unobstructed fuel flow, So no, that's not the reason for the hard starting.

That model has an externally mounted stop solenoid that is controlled by a Combination box, which give it the signal to kill the motor (times it for about 5 sec).
If the Combination box is not getting power or is faulty then it won't run the stop solenoid.

Check fuses there should be 2 that control it i do believe, one low amp fuse and one high amp fuse.

I think there also might be a relay involved in this setup, but without the wiring diagram or the WSM I have no way to confirm this.

And like rentthis said, it could be just a bad stop solenoid, that's easy to test.


New member
Feb 27, 2020
Elkhorn, WI
Ok so I figured out the hard start issue. I replaced the battery but picked one based on what they had in it which was only 340CCA. I returned that and found a 51R battery with 500CCA and it fires up very nicely now. I thought it was turning over to slowly before..

I also OHM tested the glow plugs and all are good

For the not shutting off I 12v tested the plug that goes into the fuel shut off Solenoid and am not seeing any power before, during, or after I turn the key switch on and off..? I also took a 12v jumper lead and touched the white plug wire going into the solenoid to see if I could get it to plunge in or out and it does nothing?? Kind of confused

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Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Could be:

combination box
key switch
wiring harness issues
bad ground
bad connection

Get your work shop manual out and go into the electrical section. The system is outlined fairly well; although written in Jinglish. Make sure your WSM is one for your machine; as the European, australian, canadian, etc manuals have minor differences; enough to throw you in a tailspin.