look closely at the knuckle. There ain't no ball joints but there are kingpins that sometimes wear. Also look at the hub. It is splined to the axle. There is sometimes some play there too. The kingpins are usually softer than the knuckle so when they wear, you just replace the kingpins. Similarly the hubs are softer than the axles so when they wear, you replace the hubs only. They're held on by snap rings and that's why they tend to wear, there ain't nothing holding them tight. Also for that reason they usually slide right off.
I re-done mine a few years ago (1300 hours+) and had to replace the king pins and the hubs; solved 99% of it although not ALL of it (you won't get them perfect because of the design). While I had it apart I noticed some play in the steering gear. Pulled it apart and found that the shaft was loose inside the quadrant (again splined/loose fit). Thought well I'll just drill it and stick a set screw in it. NOPE...the gear/quadrant is harder than hammered hell and just laughed at every bit I had. Hmm...well, tack weld it. That worked (TIG, Hastelloy W filler before it went sky high in price), worked great for a year or two, loose again now and I ain't gonna completely tear the mower back apart just to fix that. Not now anyway. Grass needs to be cut about every 3 days right now.