Front Snow blower question


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Kubota L3130
Oct 2, 2016
Woodstock, Illinois
Hi All,

I was wondering if someone could give me a little help. After a few months of shopping and pencil sharpening I finally pulled the trigger on a new unit. I traded my open cab L3130 in on a Grand L4060 with FEL and front snow blower. I’ve had a chance to use the blower a couple of times and it works great, which leads me to my question. Since I have an asphalt drive I took the shoes off and have run it on the cutting edge which leaves scratches on the surface of the drive. So to help solve this I picked up a poly edge from the dealer. I installed the poly yesterday and noticed that when the blower is sitting on the ground it is tipped forward slightly, it doesn’t sit flat on the ground. Its contact point is on the front edge of the cutting blade and the rear of the blower (and the blade) is off the ground by about a ¼ inch. I noticed this was also the same when I removed the original metal cutting edge. I saw there was only wear on the front edge of the blade and the back of it still had paint on it. So my concern is if I run the poly as it is, it too will wear down on the front edge causing uneven wear from front to back. I was wondering if has come across this problem? Is there some adjustment that can be made to the frame or blower to make it sit flat on the ground (front to back)? I advised the dealer of the issue and they have no answer.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Id put the shoes back on and it should level it back up.
A friend has same outfit as mine. He runs shoes on his blacktop drive, just sets it right to the asphalt. He still gets wear, but has had same edge for several years.


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
I run a 90" inverted blower behind a M7040 on my two brothers' paved driveways. The blower scrapes the asphalt enough to leave white looking areas when there is no ice build-up but by mid summer the sun has turned them black again.

I don't have any experience with interlocking pavers.

Brothers tell me they are grateful to have the snow gone and a few scrapes are no big deal.

Dave M7040


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Kubota L3130
Oct 2, 2016
Woodstock, Illinois
I tried running with the skids on but at their lowest setting the blower edge sat about an inch above the asphalt and consequently left a layer of snow behind. Plus the skids left some real marks on the drive. Once I took them off the wear blade sat flush with the pavement and really cleaned well. Thats why I was hoping this poly edge will clean good and last for quite a while (at least thats what the dealer tells me).

North Idaho Wolfman

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The design of almost all bladed equipment is to have it hit on the leading edge before any other edge, other wise it won't cut , it will just ski over the snow. ;)

On my snow blade I go through a cutting edge every 2 years, year per edge, I consider that normal wear.
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