same attach point as the snowplow I posted last week. this is simple.NICEEEEE.....
Were the brackets/mounts you have this all attached to already on the tractor for another implement or did you fabricate those as well? Oh and can you take pics of the the bracketry/mounts as well please (pivot point of arms for example). Mucho Thanx in advance.
Thanx for pointing that out. Since a person searching the archives a year from now would not know that; below is a link to LRP's thread on the awesome front linkage w/winch lift and snow plow he Fabbed up.same attach point as the snowplow I posted last week.....
From the pics it looks awesome.
Oh, man, love that workbench! Looks like I-beam legs, laminated 6" wood top, and a 1/8" steel skin. Wow!she,s all done. paint is still green. a short vedio showing how it resets even with a shallow dump.
Not to pick, but iff'n it was mine, I'd bend that lever latch a little forward, to eliminate the possibility of bendin up that pretty sheet metal. Otherwise its as good a rig as I have seen...