free ballast tub



B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Well, as I'm not sure whether I will need any rear ballast when using my front mounted blower and electing not to load the rear wheels because of fear or being too heavy for grass cutting. I was offered the ballast box solution by the dealer.
They did not think I would need it and did not push me to buy it.
So just in case I do need ballast I looked around and thought an old RV anti-freeze blue barrel would do the trick. Having calculated volume to weight - thinking about 400lbs I cut down the tank, mounted it on a couple of sections of scrap pallet blocks and there you have it. Totally free, able to hold liquid, rocks , drit, salt whatever I had really. A small loader on the back.

But now I hear you say how does that work on a 3 point hitch, no pins visible.

Well., I fabricated a set of rear forks to lift that, a firewood box and the base for mounting another drum that I will be making into a sprayer.

The forks work well, they hook over the spreader bar and pin on, connect to the top link and you are in business.

Again, comment, questions are always accepted. I can do a more detailed description of the forks if wanted.



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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
If I understand, you have a drawbar that goes between the lower links?

The kind with lotsa pin holes in it?

Slides right up in that channel in the front bracket of the carry-all?

If I got it right, that's pretty cool!!:cool:

Back up to it, lift a little bit, top link and go - neat!!

What are the small loops for on each side near where the drawbar channel? Check hook/chain?

Honestly, with your tires loaded, I wonder if you'd need extra ballast at all. Chains maybe. For loader work, different story.

I see you have the 51" snowblower. I probably have the same one on my BX2360 with loaded R-4 tires. I have chains, but usually run without rear ballast. Of course, my tires are much smaller than yours. Sometimes I do put my 4' box blade on in the winter, but it makes the whole machine over 13 feet long. Can be a problem fitting everything around corners to patios, walks, and in the garage.

I can't speak personally to the larger "B" tires, but it seems most guys with B-series tractors seldom complain here about beating up their lawns with loaded tires. The type of tire you are using also is a big factor. I have no issues with my loaded BX R-4 tires.

Good luck!!:)
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B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
You are correct with the mounting, although I have also added a hole for a pin to stop the unit disconnecting when you lower the 3point too far. It also adds a little extra assurance.
I added a couple of welder on loops for a ratchet strap. This works for all the add-ons, firebox, ballast tub and the sprayer tank. As the tank is quite high I add an additional strap higher up onto the top link location.
I am only going to add ballast if absolutely necessary.
I have a set of chains for the front wheel if needed.
Thanks for the comments.