Flail implement for brush and such?


Well-known member

L 3301 HST
Feb 28, 2017
I don't have a lawn, as in surburban style bermuda grass, but I do keep the native grasses knocked down around the house for a 50' radius for fire prevention purposes. Plus I need to mow my native grass 400' runway. I have used a 5' brush hog/rotary mower for this, but even with my small older tractor, it was awkward to manuver. With my larger L3301 it's even worse. I like the short coupled nature of the flail mowers, they look like they'd be better in tight spaces, especially if I also take the FEL off the 3 times or so a season I mow.

I wonder how a flail type mower does on sage brush, with trunks 3 to 5" in dia? My brush hog does them OK, too big and it seems a bit hard on it, jusdging from the sound it makes.
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New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
Re: Flail implement for tractor

Flyidaho, you can do it all with the right flail. However, the big sagebrush will be best handled by a 'hammer' type blade and the balance of your mowing will be best served using 'y-knives'. They are usually interchangeable, depending on the type of mount. One nice thing with a flail is that clippings are generally cut several times into shorter pieces and there is no windrowing. Could be a nice advantage on your home strip.

If you have any local retailers that cater to orchards/vineyards, give them a call. They can quote blades based on what works best in your area.


Active member

MX5100 FEL ford 1620 FEL International 484 FEL Lull 844C
Agree clippings disbursement is more even. I had a 6 ft flail attached to a 50 hp utility tractor and found it to be a significant HP drain on PTO. True, hammer blades will cut course material. I only use a large finish mower now w/ swinging blades. Unless you encounter actual brush greater than 3/4 inch, my application works quite well w/ very uniform cut. Both Befco and woods offer swinging blades on the larger finish mowers.

Skeptics: yes, swinging blades on finish mowers! challenge anticipated.


Well-known member

L 3301 HST
Feb 28, 2017
I pulled the trigger today on a WoodMaxx 68" mower, with the hydraulic side shift, up to 39". That will be handy, I had earlier ordered a 78" non hydro, but just changed my order. many of my trees I'll be mowing around are about 80" apart. I plan on running the side shift using the hose and valve setup I added a couple months ago when I added hydraulic angle change to my sno blade. I should be able to just get 2 hose made up, with quick disco's, about 5 or 6 foot long, and just run them back there. I can't see the juice needed for that side shift being much more then the blade's.

I thought my 15 year old rotary was 5' for some reason, today I measured it, it's only 4', with a actual cut width probably 46" or so. The new one will have 59" cutting width, so a substantial change to the better. I'll keep the old brush hog for the sage brush and other rough stuff. For my L3301.

Then, I had the bright idea to call them back, and asked if I also pulled the trigger on a WM-8M wood chipper, in addition to the mower, if I could get a discount? YES, 5% off, my kind of company. No BS, just real live people, who spoke English as their first language, they were great to deal with. So, I have both coming, the 5% discount pushed me over the edge.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Flyidaho, at least it pushed you over the edge of a purchase, not over the edge of your mountainside! Sounds like a fun project. Maybe you can hire out your chipper to neighbors to offset the cost!


Well-known member

L 3301 HST
Feb 28, 2017
That was part of my justification, not so much for making a living doing so,(!) but to maintain (already) good neighbor relations, and get free beer. Mostly the 5% discount though. the flail mower will be so much more handy for my particular mowing situation, putting vague plans I had to buy a zero turn, or maybe a rough terrain walk behind mower, on hold. SO many reasons to buy, I couldn't afford NOT to, ha ha.


Jul 14, 2016
Chelan, WA
I have a six foot rears flail with the y knives. I had trouble with any woody vegetation over 1 1/2 inch. I ended up using the excavator to pull all my sage brush and burnt it. Mower does fantastic on the smaller stuff. I set the mow height right at the ground and cut everything else basically to bare dirt.

Alan D. Jones

New member

L3301 HST, LA525, BH77
Mar 31, 2018
I pulled the trigger today on a WoodMaxx 68" mower, with the hydraulic side shift, up to 39". That will be handy, I had earlier ordered a 78" non hydro, but just changed my order.

flyidaho, I have been set at the same place you have for several weeks. I also have a 3301 but concerned that the 78" is too much for it, even though I will never be in brush or tall grass. You mention a 68", but do you mean a 62"? I didn't know they made a 68" but if so that would be even better. I'd like to know your impressions and performance of the mower on the 3301. I thought if I got the 62H I'd rob the front bucket curl function to do the shift. I sure wish the 3301 had a standard rear function like most of its competitors do.


Well-known member

L 3301 HST
Feb 28, 2017
You are correct, it's a 62", I had it wrong.

To operate it, the side shift anyway, I will be using the extra function I added this winter, for changing my snow blade angle. It should be as simple as determining the length of needed supply and return hose from my existing quick disco's, to the new unit, and how to route them. Still waiting, I expect it and the chipper in a week or so.