Fixing hole in side of block

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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Probably a good time to put this thread to bed.
Frankly, probably time that those who do not get anything out of the thread except a chance to complain about it, should probably just ignore it and let it go its own way...

It is kind of interesting, although an unconventional approach, which may not offer long term success...I get that.

But we all are individuals and do things our own way, for better or worse.

Why condemn someone for being a lot like we actually are?

I guess those of us who always do things perfectly should be excluded from that comment...
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M7060, L3902 HST, Farm King PT740, HLA 2500 Snowpusher, LandPride RCR1872
Oct 14, 2023
Frankly, probably time that those who do not get anything out of the thread except a chance to complain about it, should probably just ignore it and let it go its own way...

It is kind of interesting, although an unconventional approach, which may not offer long term success...I get that.

But we all are individuals and do things our own way, for better or worse.

Why condemn someone for being a lot like we actually are?

I guess those of us who always do things perfectly should be excluded from that comment...
I've certainly have enjoyed it. Seems there's more beefs than bouquets lately.
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BX23S, Braber BBR4G 4' Box Blade & LRM5G 5' landscape rake
Jan 20, 2022
Seattle, WA, USA
@joesmith123 Hey just curious ... what do you plan to do with the tractor once you're finished putting it all back together? Are you going to use it yourself, or sell it ... donate it to a community farming project?
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Kubota L2350F FEL LA452S
Oct 4, 2024
This project will never end and will last forever. I realized this when I read the first page.But it's still very interesting thanks.
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I think everyone needs to back off on the negative, nasty and demeaning comments.
He gets it, he's working in less than ideal conditions, but hey he's happy doing it.
I was very skeptical that he could get it run, but get it to run he has.
It will probably out last all of us!
I've tried to give the best advice I could, some of which joe has used, and some he has not and that is his purgative.
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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
........................I have heard of people doing that with condoms because of the expense of buying them.............................................
To paraphrase and misquote something I heard many years ago "What do a used condom and a used head gasket have in common? You shouldn't screw with either one".

The thread has been entertaining for me. Some other threads have not. I simply don't return to the threads I don't care for. I'm not part of the cancel culture.
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I think everyone needs to back off on the negative, nasty and demeaning comments.
He gets it, he's working in less than ideal conditions, but hey he's happy doing it.
I was very skeptical that he could get it run, but get it to run he has.
It will probably out last all of us!
I've tried to give the best advice I could, some of which joe has used, and some he has not and that is his purgative.
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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ

freudian slip?
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Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
I would assume the second meaning was intended but your word choice could be used but that stretches the ability to misspell to a new level for NIW. Now autocorrect may have been involved to “help” make it “better”.

purgative /pûr′gə-tĭv/

  1. Tending to cleanse or purge, especially causing evacuation of the bowels.
  2. Having the power or quality of purging; cathartic.
    Similar: cathartic
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023


ok yes, continue where we left off:

last thing I did was surgically seal it, and now continue reassembly, get radiator back on, fill with water, make video for us and make sure it has no leak of it running

get to that point, then decide next step:

maybe put wheels on, get orange paint, I do need hydraulic fluid, clean the filter,

it'll get figured out


Install radiator, fill with spring water,

Now: clean engine with air and solvent, heat glow plug, then

Altogether we see cold start after 3 week no movement


clean whole body with some solvent then air


Tried using solvent in spray gun, no, too much air, airless sprayer better for cleaning

before first start up, take moment to imagine it skipping back on, and all your surgery seal solve the leak

now: heating up glow plug, spin it without compression for long time to prime diesel lines, get your throttle ready, then,

I setup video and we see cold start 3 week no motion..

remembered diesel lines were fully empty, open bleeder valve until diesel come out, cleaned area with solvent on brush, might pop an injector until i see diesel running,

or just prime the lines for few minutes...


priming the lines, heating the glow plug, build the oil pressure, then i notice:

oil leak under alternator, gear case oil leak, small but enough to notice...

also: main seal leak is about 1 quart per month, since:

I check the oil earlier, and it is not full, but almost full..

yes, first start up, 3 week no motion, cold

she start right up everytime, she choke out, I show exactly why


This is that adjustment I use to make it purr idle

i remember taking it all the way in until she wouldnt start with full throttle

Now: back it out maybe quarter turn, try again...

Idling as smooth as it has ever after many adjustment of that idle screw

I am not seeing any leaks, internet barely working, i trying to upload detailed video

now: it is idling perfectly, wait for it to idle for hour, then show detail video of any leak and sound, let engine temperature fully equilize

i notice is more buttery, less likely to shut down abruptly, exhaust has a harmonious hissing, zero smoke...

I wish i never touch the adjustment screw, it was set so perfectly, I knew it just needed more prime

yes, long elaborate video of first cold start, adjustment still off at this point

up close looking for leak, showing exhaust, etc

video after it ran for 30/40 minute, notice:

it can run at lower rpm without shutting down, adjustment better than before

now: engine only has about 10-12 hour run time, let it run some more, continue to fix the adjustment that you shouldnt have touched

after running for 1 hour, making adjustment 8 time of idle screw, notice:

less fluctuation of oil pressure, ability to get lower rpm without shutting down, oil pressure sitting at 40...

idle not perfect, all major leak fixed, i guess now plan forward, ton of task to do but pick a few::

change transmission fluid, clean filter, wire wheel rest of body/wheels, clean them and prepare for paint, fix the seat somehow or get new one...

I guess: get all the parts ready to paint orange, clean them and get ready for paint, get some kubota orange, do light body work, paint them perfectly, let them cure, top off transmission fluid, put panels on, and move under its own ability

also: finish up the starting wiring/battery charging/battery holder front area, install air filter,

plan out the wiring for starting/glowplug: I'm guessing a basic switch somewhere, or I might reinstall the factory everything (probably not)

big summary: while doing body work then painting, reassemble the battery holder/battery/air filter/front of radiator, decide the starting wiring, top off transmission fluid, clean tran filter, try to salvage the seat, put it all back together and test ride

now: first, install everything on front: air filter/battery, then get pallets close, get all parts needing paint orange on the pallet, start wire wheel everything, hammer on panels shape them proper, order kubota orange, one gallon...

idling 2/3 hour, sometime she get she sink into low rpm state, smooth, i try to capture in this clip

oil pressure sit steady at 40, all noise gone, no rumbling/shaking, in the clip, it does it for a bit until it sufficate from too little diesel

also I show you leak: it look like the governor cover, no, it has to be the gearcase, it was done well but no gasket sealer used

Now: clean up shop, mentally plan out the next big steps, pick an area to do the painting for body panels...
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
main seal leak is about 1 quart per month, since:

I check the oil earlier, and it is not full, but almost full..
That's one heck of a leak and, if your talking the rear main seal, it will take no time at all to foul up the clutch!

If your talking the front crank seal, it's going to do a heck of a good job at making the engine a huge dust collector!
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
That's one heck of a leak and, if your talking the rear main seal, it will take no time at all to foul up the clutch!

If your talking the front crank seal, it's going to do a heck of a good job at making the engine a huge dust collector!
Sorry Joe, but that wasn't a funny!
Sad that you've put that much work into this and your going to allow a quart a week leak to go on with it.
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