Okay, so if you come to my gas station and you want 30 gallons of unleaded, you'll be perfectly happy if I sell you "about that much".
Got it. And if someone sells you a "face cord" you'll be perfectly happy if he dumps a couple of 5 gallon buckets of sticks on your driveway.
And have fun with your legal complaint if you aren't happy. You won't have a leg to stand on.
By the way:
No, they don't. They are all over the map.
I’m a Forester by education.
Don’t recall a facecord defined in college.
That said, I’ve sold and bought a lot of hardwood firewood in my day. Also cut a bunch of softwood pulp for a few years.
With hardwood firewood, Facecord is the common definition of a unit of firewood in the northeast US. It’s a 32 square feet wood pile….4x8 stack x length TBD.
Only variable is “how long?” 16” is common, as others said.
I think in many parts of the US , especially places that use softwood for firewood, there really is no such thing as a facecord. It’s common here, and I don’t get away from upstate New York much to know the difference for sure.
Honestly some people like the choice of 12, 16, or 18+”. A 12” FC is more work than 18, so probably costs are negligible, even though 18” is more wood. I cut a lot of 20” stuff for our own stove on the farm. Machinery shed was 77 facecord when full, but it was longer wood….
Timber sales bid out by Foresters estimate cordwood in 128 cubic foot quantities, both hardwood and softwood. A cord is defined that way.
I was shorted on one firewood purchase. Length was fine, and agreed upon. Problem was it was likely a 25 square feet of that stack that was supposed to be 32…..

Was a 10 facecord order if my memory serves. He shorted me quite a bit.
A friend was the County Weights & Measures official. Don’t know what “book” he was referring to, but said he sometimes had similar complaints, and would respond to them.
I didn’t need his help. Took care of it myself….
You can argue the facecord measure is not defined, and may well be correct. I will counter it’s so pervasive in practice (at least in my ‘hood) that it’s defined in practice, although it’s informal.
The government doesn’t have to define everything in our lives.
Many/most firewood guys around here advertise as $XX per “cord”. While not technically correct, connotation is facecord, not per 128 cu. ft. cord.
I would have been more than happy to pay $25 per “cord” many years ago, split and delivered….