FEL Refuel


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
I absolutely love my tractor. The one thing I have always hated with a passion was refueling it. At least in California, I am unable to buy any fuel canister with the gold old fashion free flow spout anymore. Instead they have some stupid thing that is supposed to cause less spills and vapors. It doesn't work at all.

For the past several years I have been using a funnel and holding a 5 gallon fuel can in the air poring the fuel. I was always at the mercy of the wind. And not to mention is just sucks holding that 5 gallon jug. The wind blows the funnel and the fuel around. After every refuel I had to stop by the spigot and hose it down.

At $100.00 I was putting off the cost but on one windy day I had enough. I purchased a Duramax Flo-n-go that holds 14 gallons and resembles a regular fuel pump.

I place it in my FEL, raise it and fuel care free. No more hassle or mess. Easy as could be.

The flow n go has a detachable hose at the bottom. There is a shut off valve on the tank side and one on the hose. The cap to fill it has a small vent that unscrews for fueling the tractor.

When it's empty I shut both valves, remove the hose and insure the vent is closed then place it in the back of my truck.

There are two wheels at the bottom for easy ground maneuvering.

The box is misleading as it shows a person using it to fill a lawn mower with the fueling tank on the ground. The only way to do this is to repeatedly squeeze the handle as it is now a pump. Otherwise, as long as the flo n go is raised above my tractor gravity does all the work.



New member

B3200 w/ FEL, Box Scraper, Post Hole Auger, 4' Rotary Cutter, Snowblower
Mar 7, 2010
Western N.Y.
Brilliant I say, absolutely brilliant....;)

Great idea traildust.

When I seen the posting title, I was like FEL refuel?? Now it all makes sense...haha.


btw, I don't think you can buy a "free flowing" gas can anywhere anymore, I am in NY and forced to buy the vented fuel cans and they suck!...lol. I still do have like 4 or 5 in different sizes, the old Chilton free flowers. I baby them, hoping they last forever...haha. I did have to buy a vented newer can for the diesel for the B3200. The Kubota is my first diesel.


New member

B7510, FEL, brush hog
Feb 26, 2010
S. E. New Mexico
Hey, we have nearly the same tractor. Mine is a B7510 with ag tires.

I was wondering why anyone would need to refuel a FEL when I saw the thread title. :confused: :D Cool idea.

I have the same problem with wind making a mess when refueling but took a different approach. I refuel from 5 gallon containers as that is about all the weight my worn out back can stand. I bought one of the $2 plastic siphon gadgets that Tractor Supply sells and added a piece of hose to be bottom tube long enough to reach the bottom of the container and slipped about 3' of clear tubing over the outlet. I throw an old towel over the hood of the tractor, set the container on the towel and siphon my fuel into the tank. The siphon effect quits when there is about 1 1/2 gallon left in the container. I just screw on the tube that comes with the container and finish emptying my container.


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Kubota B7100HST-E
Sep 18, 2009
Traildust like that. Glad to see they work good. I will look into one of those before mowing time. handy


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
Hey, thanks you guys!

I figured the thread title would raise a few eyebrows :rolleyes:

Fueling these things is a pain no matter what method you use.
Though, my current method requires no physical exertion at all and it's working very well. The strap to hold the tank in the bucket isn't necessary as it sits quite nice in there. But I don't want to make a directional control mistake and dump it :eek:

Josh, how is your hydro pump coming along? Are you at a stand still?


Orange Tractors


L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD
Jul 19, 2009
Butler, MO
That certainly makes it easier to refuel. With the routing of the fuel hose, be careful reaching under the loader arms with the bucket raised and the tractor shut off. Hydraulic equipment can fall very quickly.



New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
That certainly makes it easier to refuel. With the routing of the fuel hose, be careful reaching under the loader arms with the bucket raised and the tractor shut off. Hydraulic equipment can fall very quickly.

Thanks for bringing up the safety tip. I should have probably mentioned something like that :(

When I refuel I have a routine to keep from getting squished.

Place the fuel tank in the bucked and strap it in. Then pass the nozzle to my free hand under the left lift arm (no squishy points)
While holding the nozzle I sit in the seat, start the engine and raise the lift then lock the FEL remote so that if I accidentally bump it nothing will happen.
As the loader is raised the hose will automatically go underneath as in the picture.

Engine off and commence fueling standing on the left side of the tractor in the area I climb aboard. This way I am free and clear of the loader if it were to settle.

Fueling finished I keep the nozzle in my left hand, climb on board, start the engine, unlock the remote and lower it down close to the ground, place the hose from under the bucket back above and it will stay. Then I lower the remaining distance and remove the fuel tank.

This is where the wheels on the fuel tank are really nice :D

After typing all that it seems like there is a lot involved, but there really isn't.

Thanks again OT!



Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Not having a FEL on my rig I had to go a little different direction. I picked up an Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) DOT certified for $25. Replaced the standard Schult 2" valve with a Schult valve with viton seals. This is compatable with diesel.

Next for about $150 I purchased a 110V wall mounted diesel transfer pump with a autoimatic shutoff nozzle and 6 feet of hose. I tucked the IBC in the back of my shop right next to the rear garage door, plumbed the pump in and hardwired the motor.

Now when the price of #2 home heating oil (#2 diesel) is down I have 200 gallons delivered when my neighbor fills his heating oil tank. I got a delivery last August and the price was $1.76 per gallon.

I will run through about 200 gallons in a year so when I get a drop I treat it with Howe's Diesel Addative.

This setup is especially good when I might have to operate the 12.5 KV three point hitch genset.

The best way to prevent a power outage is to prepare for it;).



New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
Not having a FEL on my rig I had to go a little different direction. I picked up an Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) DOT certified for $25. Replaced the standard Schult 2" valve with a Schult valve with viton seals. This is compatable with diesel.

Next for about $150 I purchased a 110V wall mounted diesel transfer pump with a autoimatic shutoff nozzle and 6 feet of hose. I tucked the IBC in the back of my shop right next to the rear garage door, plumbed the pump in and hardwired the motor.

Now when the price of #2 home heating oil (#2 diesel) is down I have 200 gallons delivered when my neighbor fills his heating oil tank. I got a delivery last August and the price was $1.76 per gallon.

I will run through about 200 gallons in a year so when I get a drop I treat it with Howe's Diesel Addative.

This setup is especially good when I might have to operate the 12.5 KV three point hitch genset.

The best way to prevent a power outage is to prepare for it;).

That is one hell of a refueling station you have. OMG that is awesome!

And you have a 12.5KV gen :eek:

I believe you and your neighbors will not have to worry about falling off the grid!



New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
Well, I have a request into Messicks trying to get a price, then a request into the wife to get the money! :rolleyes:
Requesting quote from Messicks - Easy

Requesting money from the wife - Impossible

Well buddy, I wish you luck!
