Faulty injector pump ?



B9200D / BF350 Kubota Loader / L-4530B Kubota Backhoe w - subframe / LP GS1548
Sep 17, 2009
Northern Indiana
I bought my B9200 a few months ago knowing the previous owners beat the living daylights out of it. It ran, although ruff ( has a miss on acceleration).
Starts very hard. But starts.

Well, it USED to start !

That miss has been driving me nuts, so, I decided to pull the injectors to have a look. They were dirty, and covered with black carbon deposit. I dismantled them and cleaned everything up with brake cleaner and a brass brush. The needle assembly on all looked pretty good under a magnifier.

When I removed the hard fuel lines I decided to also remove the delivery
valve's from the top of the injector pump. There was some small pieces
of dirt down in the bore of each, so I cleaned that out as best as I could.

Well, now, the engine won't start ! Part of the reason for the hard starting
before was because the starter had a couple armature windings seperate.
I found this out after I reassembled everything & tried to fire it up. The starter was really dragging, even with me "jumping" it with my truck. That's when I pulled the starter off, dismantled it. and discovered the toasted armature! I bought a new starter and now the engine cranks over like crazy!
Only it won't start! Lot's of black smoke, though.:eek:

Tonight, I pulled the lines off & cranked it over. The delivery ports on each end, or for number 1 & 4 clyinder's, are sperting fuel up about 1 1/2 - 2".
Nothing from the two ports in the center.

New injector pump is over $900.00. :eek:
Are these pumps serviceable by meer mortals ?

Any thoughts are welcome. I'm a desperate man at this point!:(


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Dec 6, 2009
Injection pumps are really not that complicated. Lots of small pieces and everything must be kept very clean. I would pull the 2 center ports again and check that the needle valve and spring are there. Failing that you might have to pull out the injection pump and check the bottom end. Just for fun take the spring and valve from the center 2 and see if you get fuel coming out when the engine is turned over. If you don't then there is bigger problems down below.:confused:



B9200D / BF350 Kubota Loader / L-4530B Kubota Backhoe w - subframe / LP GS1548
Sep 17, 2009
Northern Indiana
Removing injector pump

I decided to pull out the injector pump. My manual is not very discriptive about the procedure. I removed all the bolts & nuts from the top. Tapped
lightly on the body with a brass bar, and it "popped up" about 1/4". That's as far as I can get it. Something is keeping it from comming out. I'm at a complete standstill. I'd like to get it out, so I can have it rebuilt.

If anyone has an answer, can I please get some input ?



Dec 6, 2009
There is a plate below the IP that id held on with 4 bolts likely. Disconnect what ever linkage there is attached to that plate and you should be able to pull it straight out. That will disengage the rack control and the IP should come out. Pay close attention to where everything goes behind that plate.



B9200D / BF350 Kubota Loader / L-4530B Kubota Backhoe w - subframe / LP GS1548
Sep 17, 2009
Northern Indiana
Got a call from the injector shop today. Seems my pump housing has a crack.
They can't find a new housing, so I decided to order a brand new injector
pump. Ouch ! :eek:

I had them "pop" test all 4 of my injectors and they told me they are all "leaking", so I told them to go ahead and freshen them up also.

I sure hope this is all I need to do to my engine! It ought to start up quickly, and have a much better power band. Well, I hope so, anyway!

I'm going to reinstall the shims that were under the old pump, and I sure do hope that this pump will have the correct ignition timming.

Shop guy told me my new pump "might" arrive tomorrow. If not, I'll have to wait till Monday.:(

Merry Christmas !