F2000 puzzle

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
I recently picked up an F2000 that someone had removed a few parts off of and then left behind after selling the property. New owner called me to clean out the yard so now Im trying to bring this mower back to life, as of yesterday I have it running and driving, and all the hydraulics are working. One lift arm for the deck needs some repair so the deck isnt on yet, some safety switches are not working or possibly missing.

I have an extra part Im trying to figure out so hoping maybe someone here recognizes it.....



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I can't help you with the part Lance, but you have a nice machine there since you got it running. It's a D950 engine with hydrostat transmission, and you have them both working! Nice save.

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
Its been an interesting puzzle, couple hydraulic lines had been removed from the hst pump, linkages disconnected, upper rad hose missing.... so far Ive only had to buy one part... the screen/banjo fitting for the lower right side of the tranny was missing. Havent come across any issues to explain why it might have left for dead but it seems like its worth restoring. I only have 3 acres to mow so I may not keep it for myself, I buy/sell lawn/garden equip as a parttime semi-retirement income so I have several other mowers, and this F2000 is a little bigger than I need.
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North Idaho Wolfman

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That looks to be the HST centering linkage.

If you want to see the whole setup go to kubotabooks.com and download the B7100HST manual, it will be the same setup. ;)




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Recycling in its pure form. I would rather resurrect an old machine then buy a new ,disposable one.
I like the front mowers, they fast.

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
Ive rebuilt a couple smaller front mowers, JD, Duetz Allis, still have another Duetz with a 48" deck that I plan to use myself next season. Plus I have a an IH Loboy tractor with a 60" deck.

Was busy yesterday with Remembrance Day activities but I'll look into this HST linkage today. Biggest problem Ive found on this F2000 so far is that the left lift arm is badly bent... but before retiring I spent near 30 years in metalwork so I'll fix that and the dented bodywork easily. Hopefully nothing else major turns up now that its mobile.

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
That centering linkage looks like it could be tricky to put back in its place, not much room top or bottom to get a hand in there, but I think I have all the pieces.

Ive been driving it around a bit testing the drive train to see if I can find any reason someone might have started pulling parts off but havent found anything yet. Even climbing the steep bank of the roadside ditch is no problem.

I think it may have had a snow blade on it at one time because theres 7x 10kg OEM suitcase weights hanging off the back. I wouldnt think those were needed for just the mower, and it has dual hydraulics so it could control the angle of a blade.


Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
So now that its spring and I can actually test this F2000 out properly Ive found that it will only work well for about 20 minutes and then the hst will start to surge like its starving for oil, if I leave idle or shut it down for 10 minutes it will work fine again for another 15-20 minutes.

Ive changed the fluid and filters twice, removed and rinsed both sump screens although they appear clean. The lift and pto dont seem to be affected, oil isnt getting overly hot and the level is the same cold or after running for 20 minutes. Ive removed the lines from the oil cooler and blew air thru it and it doesnt seem restricted at all.

Im using Raymond AW46 which the service guy at the Kubota dealership said should be fine.

Just wondering if anyone here has a guess as to what might cause this surging issue

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
Still stumped by this hst surging, the thing works very well to start out, no slipping, no tranny whine, 4x4 and diff lock all working, climbs hills easily.... but after about 20 minutes run time the tranny begins to slow down, whine a little, then begin to surge. Ive been pulling off lines and blowing them out because to me it seems like its not getting enough fluid although the fluid level is good.

Kubota Newbie

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Not real familiar with that tranny, but most HST's have a charge pump. That "could" be the issue but normally letting it sit and idle wouldn't help that after it is warmed up good. Unless the charge pump is sucking air at full load. It sounds like your fluid is foaming/getting air mixed in it. Anyway, you can check it cold and then hot to see if it's foamed up/frothy from air being mixed in? I'd speculate a tiny air-leak/pinhole on the suction side of things somewhere letting the pump cavitate and/or mix in excess air over your 20 minute operating period. Idling at no-load may let it de-foam or settle down then it's ok for a few minutes again. Just a guess.

Racer X

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Ive looked thru the filler hole when its warm and the oil doesnt appear to be foaming visually but it does have a brownish(chocolate milk) color until it cools down, then it gets clear again.
Discoloration is not good.

You mentioned that you have changed the fluid. Can you be sure that it has been flushed completely? There may have been some water in the system and it is possible it has not all been flushed out.


Dec 6, 2009
Your description of the oil after running indicates you are either sucking air or your charge pump is worn. Surging will be caused by insufficient oil flow to the hydro-stat.

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
Ive now flushed it twice and changed the screw on filter both times as well as rinsed out the removable screens in the bottom, and I plan on doing again soon because each time the coloring has been lighter. Next time Im at the dealer I plan to find out if they have rebuild kits for the pumps... Im no hydro expert but it looks like there is one pump on the rear of the tranny and a second smaller one on the left side of the engine??? Im learning as I go here but it doesnt seem like a major problem considering someone had left this rig partially dismantled in the back 40 for an unkown amount of time.

Impressive machine when its in a good mood tho.

Lance Skene

New member
Nov 4, 2016
Irricana, Alberta, Canada
Havent had time to work on this rig lately but I have been using it quite alot and theres been no change, it consistantly works perfectly for about 20 minutes before the trans will begin to surge, I'll usually shut it down and find something else to do for an hour and then go back to mowing for another 20 minutes.


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May 30, 2012
I had an f2000. It has been quite a while ago. Having said that, I don't think AW46 is right at all. Standard hydraulic oil in a hydrostatic unit? Sounds wrong to me.