Engine warning light on low hour tractor?


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L series Kubota
Dec 2, 2020
Deer Park, Washington
Hi. Sorry if this is a repeat thread. I ran a search and couldn't find what I was looking for. My husband and I have an L series 2019 tractor with a mere 60 hours on it and the engine warning light came on. My husband called the Kubota dealership and they told him it was owner abusive use and he must have stalled it too many times. Since he has stalled it two or three times he accepted that answer. I on the other hand, do not. If that is all the better they can build a tractor I should have bought a Deere. I think it must be something else. Some sort of fault. Does anyone else have experience with this happening?


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May 30, 2012
You bought the right tractor but I question your choice in dealers. You might want to call someone else at the dealership and try to get better answers. I rent tractors to pretty much all comers. Under those circumstances, I have to believe they have been "stalled" many times and I have never had a light. If you bought the machine in 2019, the machine is probably still under warranty. If you have a problem, it's up to your dealer to canalize it. With 60 hours, if you are somewhat out of warranty, you still have a strong case to be made. Until I'm proven wrong, I'm going with, you got the wrong guy on the phone.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
It matters a lot which L series tractor you have. We can give better help if we know whether or not it is L2501, which has one engine type, or L3301 etc, or the L 60 series. They have different dashboards. Nevertheless, yours should still be under warranty, and you should, as urged above, try for better help.


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L series Kubota
Dec 2, 2020
Deer Park, Washington
It matters a lot which L series tractor you have. We can give better help if we know whether or not it is L2501, which has one engine type, or L3301 etc, or the L 60 series. They have different dashboards. Nevertheless, yours should still be under warranty, and you should, as urged above, try for better help.
Thanks for your reply. It's an L3301. And I have to agree with you and rentthis. I believe my husband got the wrong guy on the phone. He tends to just take things lying down. I don't stand for it. I'm calling today and getting a different answer or calling their regional office to get one. It's under warrantee until Feb 2021 so it should be fixed by them as I see it.
Thanks again!
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May 7, 2019
Hard to gauge on the little information provided but I can say that I think the advice you were given is not just misguided but 100% bogus. Stalling the tractor 3 or 4 times would not bring up a check engine light. I have a 2019 L2501. It looks identical to your L3301, same size, same loader, just no DPF filter and little less powerful engine. I have about 80 hours on it. I have stalled it a handful of times and Ive never had any engine or warning lights. Ive worked my tractor hard as well - not abused it, but worked it hard. Ive been clearing woods with it for many of the 80 hours on it, so lots of big log lifting, pushing tree tops into piles, so lots of pushing the weight limit, spinning tires here and there, and occasionally lifting the tires off the ground from all the various loader positions you get into with lifting this kind of work. Ive also put an oversided disc harrow on it and disced in these wooded areas after clearing, This disc really works the tractor as its a lot to pull. Ive never had any lights or warnings. The tractor just keeps performing.

Has the tractor been abused? Anything that happened that could have perhaps caused some problems? Was it pushed too far in some project, was bad gas put in it or was something else done out of the ordinary like this that could perhaps clue one in on what might be going on? Or, have you been doing everything the same for 60 hours and it just randomly popped up? If that is the case, I just have a natural inclination to suspect something with the DPF


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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
That they reached that conclusion simply from a phone call is BS, IMO.

After buying my 3301, I got a couple surveys from Kubota asking about the dealer (like a year later and another a couple years later). Hopefully you'll get the same


Well-known member
May 7, 2019
That they reached that conclusion simply from a phone call is BS, IMO.
I am with you on this. I would have cornered that guy on the phone with that diagnosis. He would have eventually went into murmuring and stammering mode and I would have asked to speak to someone else. If its like my dealer though, my dealer is fairly small. If I was the wife here in this case I would call another dealer near by and open up the call explaining that I'm worried my local dealer is giving bad advice and I'm seeking other opinions on a potentially serious issue.

I would want to know what sort of issues could trigger a check engine light. You really need to isolate what is the trigger. Knowing how the tractor was used, and what all lead up to the light coming on would likely be beneficial.
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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Yours may be altogether different from my L4240, but I get a “service inspect” on the panel at certain hourly intervals. It’s just a reminder to check fluids etc.


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M 6040
Oct 26, 2010
Cavendish Vermont
Yours may be altogether different from my L4240, but I get a “service inspect” on the panel at certain hourly intervals. It’s just a reminder to check fluids etc.
On my old L4630, it used to get that light at 50 hr intervals and I reset it from the control panel


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I agree with what others have said 100%.

Following chim and fruitcaksa experiences, before calling anyone I would dig out the Owners Manual and try to ascertain exactly what warning light is on.

If you know what the light represents, it will help both you and the dealership and hopefully avoid confusion.


New member

L series Kubota
Dec 2, 2020
Deer Park, Washington
Hard to gauge on the little information provided but I can say that I think the advice you were given is not just misguided but 100% bogus. Stalling the tractor 3 or 4 times would not bring up a check engine light. I have a 2019 L2501. It looks identical to your L3301, same size, same loader, just no DPF filter and little less powerful engine. I have about 80 hours on it. I have stalled it a handful of times and Ive never had any engine or warning lights. Ive worked my tractor hard as well - not abused it, but worked it hard. Ive been clearing woods with it for many of the 80 hours on it, so lots of big log lifting, pushing tree tops into piles, so lots of pushing the weight limit, spinning tires here and there, and occasionally lifting the tires off the ground from all the various loader positions you get into with lifting this kind of work. Ive also put an oversided disc harrow on it and disced in these wooded areas after clearing, This disc really works the tractor as its a lot to pull. Ive never had any lights or warnings. The tractor just keeps performing.

Has the tractor been abused? Anything that happened that could have perhaps caused some problems? Was it pushed too far in some project, was bad gas put in it or was something else done out of the ordinary like this that could perhaps clue one in on what might be going on? Or, have you been doing everything the same for 60 hours and it just randomly popped up? If that is the case, I just have a natural inclination to suspect something with the DPF
Thanks for everyone's replies!
No abuse. Like you, some clearing of woods, a lot of brush cutting, pulling fence posts, moving soil and plowing snow. Nothing that tractor shouldn't be able to handle. I just called again. The first guy I spoke to tried the "you stalled it" song and dance on me! Nuh uh. I called another dealership and they said it was absolutely warrantied. I called my dealership back and spoke with a supervisor and got the correct answer. He said they will fix it under the warrantee. They had better not try a fast one on me and try to say it's my fault when I get there. I don't know if I trust them. I may just make the extra long drive to the other dealership out of town to get it fixed. Either way, I'll get it done.
Thanks for your all of your answers


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40 miles south of Kansas City
Someone made a comment about "bad gas in it". You probably know this, but whether gas is good or bad it does not go in a diesel engine. ;)


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
What will help the service dept is any records you might have on what work has been done, eg 50 hr oil and filter changes, and also how it has been performing for the dpf filter regens, how frequently it regens and if it is doing the auto regens. Make sure both of you are clear on what is supposed to happen for a regen and that you have been following the directions correctly. They will be deeply suspicious that you have made a mistake in that, because many people do. Go over the owners manual. This could be a good time to learn from the tech about your machine as long as you have to haul it in.

North Idaho Wolfman

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Thanks for everyone's replies!
No abuse. Like you, some clearing of woods, a lot of brush cutting, pulling fence posts, moving soil and plowing snow. Nothing that tractor shouldn't be able to handle. I just called again. The first guy I spoke to tried the "you stalled it" song and dance on me! Nuh uh. I called another dealership and they said it was absolutely warrantied. I called my dealership back and spoke with a supervisor and got the correct answer. He said they will fix it under the warrantee. They had better not try a fast one on me and try to say it's my fault when I get there. I don't know if I trust them. I may just make the extra long drive to the other dealership out of town to get it fixed. Either way, I'll get it done.
Thanks for your all of your answers
You'll have to go quite a trek as all the dealers around you are owned by the same company.
You would have to all the way to Montana, or west over the mountains!


Well-known member

Aug 8, 2020
Pittsburgh, Pa
Sometimes its smart to write down who you spoke with along with the time and date. If it gets ugly and you have kept detailed notes you should come out good.


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MX5400 HST, LA1065 FEL, HR2572 box blade - S30 flip Screen
Nov 3, 2020
While I am new to tractors, I am not new to trucks and equipment engine lights.
The good thing about them is when scanned they get you close to the problem.
So the tractor has recognized a problem.
I have never seen a fault code "my driver was mean to me". I have never seen a guy diagnosis a engine light over the phone. I do have trucks than send my mechanic the fault codes. And unless you're tractor sent him the fault code and he ran the trouble shooting chart, I would get the guys name, write it down so you can make sure you never deal with him again.


Well-known member
May 7, 2019
LOL yes indeed I know.

I was looking through the manual. What light is actually on? Is it number (10) in the attached diagram for "Engine Warning Indicator" ? Or is it perhaps (6) "Master System Warning Indicator" ?

If the Master System Warning Indicator was the light you see, it should also display an error code in the hour meter display location, according to the owners manual. I'm assuming the light you are referring to here is the "Engine Warning Indicator" I scoured the entire manual regarding this light, and every reference to it is regarding the DPF regeneration. Im not sure how familiar you are with the DPF systems on these new tractors. They have to run a regeneration cycle every so often to burn off the particulate matter collected in the filter. You can however cancel this process if it begins at a time you do not wish it to run. However, if you keep cancelling it, you can start to run into problems. You should however have also heard a buzzer warning at some point leading up to this light. First the light would flash with the buzzer, and then the last warning is the light stays on permanently with a buzzer sounding every second. You didn't mention any buzzer sounding though so Im not sure if you may be talking about some other lamp on the dash, or if perhaps this indicator could come on for some other reason. I will attach relevant pages that cover the instances the manual mentions this light here.




Well-known member
May 7, 2019
I told you wrong. There is one other mention of the engine warning indicator in the manual here: