My M135X has a small digital display on the right side of the cabin, separate from the one on the dash. Primary use of the display is a digital readout of the PTO RPM.
After years of no issues, 2 days ago, it went dark. Figured it was a fuse, and I was right (well sorta). I replaced the 5 amp fuse and it worked all day.
Today, started it up this morning to feed hay to some hay and it went out again. Replaced that fuse and it worked for a few hours. I knew I had a problem at this point. Replaced another fuse and it worked for about 1 minute. Next fuse snapped immediately.
Took the right side plastic console cover off and looked for mouse chewed wires, water corrosion leaks, bad connectors, etc. But there was nothing wrong.
Looked at fuse block and all looks well, too.
So I’m at wits end with it.
Wondering if the display itself could be blowing the fuse? Like the circuit board in the display itself has a short? The way the fuses started out lasting a day, than a few hours, then a few minutes, then instantly popping is the only thing that seems different about this one.
After years of no issues, 2 days ago, it went dark. Figured it was a fuse, and I was right (well sorta). I replaced the 5 amp fuse and it worked all day.
Today, started it up this morning to feed hay to some hay and it went out again. Replaced that fuse and it worked for a few hours. I knew I had a problem at this point. Replaced another fuse and it worked for about 1 minute. Next fuse snapped immediately.
Took the right side plastic console cover off and looked for mouse chewed wires, water corrosion leaks, bad connectors, etc. But there was nothing wrong.
Looked at fuse block and all looks well, too.
So I’m at wits end with it.
Wondering if the display itself could be blowing the fuse? Like the circuit board in the display itself has a short? The way the fuses started out lasting a day, than a few hours, then a few minutes, then instantly popping is the only thing that seems different about this one.