electric actuator


Active member

B2601 + BX2755HD + 50" box blade
Feb 2, 2017
Ottawa, ontario
I've been blowing snow for 20+ years with a 3 point blower. Never bothered to change chute angle and always got the job done. Now using a front mount blower due to neck issues. Yes they are more expensive but wow what a difference in blowing snow. So I read a lot of posts about adding a linear actuator to the chute and last month had some free time to do the mod. If anyone is thinking about doing it. Do it. It's such a treat to put the snow exactly where you want it and to limit the amount of times you blow it in your face. Now if I had a cab that's a whole new story. For now I'm enjoying the new tractor with a front blower. Merry Christmas to everyone and there family.:D


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Congrats on the new front blower. As you said they are pricey but if you can afford one they are very nice, a real neck and back saver if you have large area to clear. Merry Christmas to you also.



B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
I totally agree with the benefit of a front mounted blower, I had a 72-inch Allied rear blower on my last tractor and although knowing you could blow snow from Ontario to Manitoba without an issue it was hard on the back and neck.

I also automated my front blower this year with chute rotation and deflection, all through a 4-way joystick mounted on the lift lever, it is very ergonomic and a pleasure to operate.

A cab would also be nice but I just wear an old full face motorcycle helmet, it is excellent and much more affordable.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and enjoyable 2018.