If you had watched the video I linked I address this. First I grew up in the snow belt of Ohio. I am used to a ton of snow. Now I live in NC where we get a few storms at best in the year. First I will address the ice. Ice is ice. Ice will not be scraped off by any bucket. You have to salt it if it is truly ice. Second the 1/4 inch of snow on the pavement will easily be melted by any salt or by the heat itself. It will not strand anyone with any car. Third back to where I live. It is not economical in my mind to spend money on a snow blade or other implement for how little of snow we get here. That is what the video was about, where I live and the conditions where it makes sense to have these.
Yes in Kentucky we don’t get enough snow to justify buying a plow either.
I use my bucket and rear blade.
I use the rear blade to scrape it up into a pile and the bucket to move the piles.
I thought I mentioned the salt but I must of forgot.
Yes salt will make up the layer of snow or ice the edge tamers leave behind but I am too cheap to use salt.
As far as the ice goes I have no problems scraping it up with my bucket or rear blade. Sometimes if it is thick solid ice and no sunshine and it is really cold out I do have trouble scraping it up but I usually wait for the sun to warm up the blacktop and that helps a lot.
Sometimes I have to use the rear blade to scrape down to bare pavement and that allows me to get under the ice once the blacktop warms up.
A 1/4 inch of snow or ice will leave me stranded in my ford e250 rear wheel drive with a open diff.