I am in central NC and I am getting ready to move into our new house on 17-acres. Most of that land is wooded and within the woods are a good bit of streams, wetlands and riparian buffers so my "usable" land is probably more like 12-13 acres with 2-acres already cleared and formerly used to grow a variety of crops over the years. I would love to have a small, agricultural business as a hobby and as a way to get my ag exemption so that I don't have to ask permission and deal with county inspectors to build barns, sheds, shops, etc on my land. I don't think I have enough land for a forestry program so I think I need to cultivate some crops or deal with bare-root plant potting / growing like a small nursery grower.
I really have no idea on what options I have for crops, flowers, mushrooms, nursery growing, etc and I also have no idea which ones are the most efficient from a land use stand point. If there are any suggestions from the group here as to where to even start it will be greatly appreciated.