Hello, been viewing this site for some time now and getting a lot of information regarding my B8200 I bought used back in the early summer. My fan belt broke the other day and I got a new replacement whihc immediately started smoking as soon as I installed it and fired her up.
You can tell by the subject of the post the alternator was siezed up. Now I have ordered a new one, but would like to rebuild the original for a back up.
One of the small bearings in there is siezed up and wont turn. Anyone out there have experience with changing these out? I am fairly mechanically inclined and have done things like this before. I tried to use a socket to give it a little persuasion, but decided a press might be better. if anyone knows the size needed that would be great too. It is the smaller magnetic dyno type alternator.. it appears there is a little ring or a lip that stands in the way of removing the bearing, but just wanted some other perspectives on the situation.
Thanks ahead of time - and maybe I will post up some picks of my little jewel. I had an 8N but just coudnt take having to work on it everytime I wanted to start it, so I sold it and got a heck of deal on this B8200.
Thanks again!!
You can tell by the subject of the post the alternator was siezed up. Now I have ordered a new one, but would like to rebuild the original for a back up.
One of the small bearings in there is siezed up and wont turn. Anyone out there have experience with changing these out? I am fairly mechanically inclined and have done things like this before. I tried to use a socket to give it a little persuasion, but decided a press might be better. if anyone knows the size needed that would be great too. It is the smaller magnetic dyno type alternator.. it appears there is a little ring or a lip that stands in the way of removing the bearing, but just wanted some other perspectives on the situation.
Thanks ahead of time - and maybe I will post up some picks of my little jewel. I had an 8N but just coudnt take having to work on it everytime I wanted to start it, so I sold it and got a heck of deal on this B8200.
Thanks again!!