As fare I know that's the time when you show 'him' you arsenal of weapons and explain him the tactics of not killing but disabling everything below his neck!... Daddy look what followed me home can I keep him?? ...
I hope I can control myself and give her later the freedom she need's.
We all did stupid things and I have also realized that everybody need his own experience and will not adapt that kind of knowledg from others.
I hope I will be able to go one step backwards so she will have the choice to take and not tighten her to much with restrictions that she just want to push me away.
May plan is to challange her in/with life instead of pamper her.
Most parents blow any toy's up their children asses, don't give them a chance to fail and wonder why their kid's are so bored by life.
Will not happen to my daughter!
Interesting enough is, she likes to take the effort and rise to a challange!
der carl