DOC Catalyst

Tom Peters

New member
May 3, 2016
Mandan, ND
I have a 2013 M9960 and the dealer says it won't "regen" so the DPS filter($1000), the DOC Catalyst($2300), and the body($430) need to be replaced. The total cost for repair will be $4500-5000. Do I have any options? Does the tractor need all this to run? Help!!


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
I would press that dealer to fix all of that for free - and if he will not - move up the food chain, this new mess of "regen" is gonna cost a lot in the long run, and the new customer should not have to pay for the bugs that have not been solved just yet by those who have not thought it out well. Your machine, unless it has 1000's of hours on it, should be under a warranty - even if it is OUT OF WARRANTY !!!!


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
Just food for thought since I don't know how this works with Kubota in general, nor your tractor in particular but....... Everything that I have run across, the emissions systems have a warranty much longer than the basic bumper to bumper warranty. More than worth checking in to. As 85Hokie mentioned, seems like it should be covered on a '13 regardless and I would push back, HARD.

As for deleting the system, everything that I have been around requires a programmer to make things right in the on board controller after deleting hardware and sensors. Otherwise it will shut the machine down.

Have you made sure that there are no applicable recalls associated with this particular system?

Dr Honda

New member

Mar 30, 2015
Pitt, PA
In the automotive world... the FED's have mandated 8 years on emissions. I know with diesel trucks they are trying to say only 3 years on the DEF, and SCR... but guys are fighting that.

If it's busted, and not covered under the FED warranty time... then tell the dealer to take it off, and make it run without it.

I can't imagine that the computers are that advance on these tractors. Someone needs to figure out how to flash, and delete it.

I know that's not an answer... but the new diesel BS is pissing me off. (sorry for your issues)

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I have a 2013 M9960 and the dealer says it won't "regen" so the DPS filter($1000), the DOC Catalyst($2300), and the body($430) need to be replaced. The total cost for repair will be $4500-5000. Do I have any options? Does the tractor need all this to run? Help!!

What will really warp your brain is that the price of $1000 DPS filter is a rebuilt filter, a new one is $2600. :eek:

What are the hours?

Did they say what caused it to fail?

If the damage or loss was not caused by you, I would push for them to cover or help cover the costs, but sadly your probably going to have to pay to have it all changed.

Situations like this is what makes it hard for the farmers and ranchers to make a buck and keep it. :(


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Those items DO have a 5 year warranty on them through Kubota. If your dealer doesn't remember that, start in with the regional rep, and dig around in your paper work for the warranty that came with it. There is a separate list of tier IV related items that has 5 yr warrantee vs 2 on the rest of the tractor. Hope all turns out well, keep us posted.


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BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
Just a little piece of information for anyone else that happens to have any of the emissions crap on their tractors. You need to run the engine at or near full operating RPM at all times. The DPF becomes clogged if you do not run the RPM high enough to maintain the correct exhaust temperature.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Just a little piece of information for anyone else that happens to have any of the emissions crap on their tractors. You need to run the engine at or near full operating RPM at all times. The DPF becomes clogged if you do not run the RPM high enough to maintain the correct exhaust temperature.
Armylifer, not all of us would agree or at least feel appreciative to have the equipment on our tractors referred to as crap. Since it would appear that you don't have that kind of tractor, maybe you could leave that sentiment to people that have first hand experience. :D Many of us are doing fine with these new tractors. So far most people who have had problems have been treated decently by Kubota. I hope that continues to be true.

Second, you are not entirely correct about running the tractor WOT all the time. The dpf filter is designed to accumulate particles, and those particles get burned off either with heavy use or during the regeneration cycle. You can keep the regeneration frequency down with higher exhaust temps, associated with work load. Unlike older tractors, there is no reason to leave them idle, they can be shut off and restarted easily. There was one model in particular that has had trouble getting exhaust temps up high enough to regenerate, but each of these different models in the B, L, and M lines has a different set of emissions control devices, engine designs, and strategies to control particles and toxic gases. You can't generalize from one model to the next willy nilly. I'm not saying there aren't problems, but I am kind of tired of folks condemning them that haven't tried them out. My 2003 diesel truck stinks to high heaven, my tractor doesn't. I am glad not to have particles in my lungs from warming up the tractor in the barn. My .02...


New member

L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
Just more government at work... And ya wonder why nothing seems to get done, in the good ole US, anymore...:confused::confused:


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
Armylifer, not all of us would agree or at least feel appreciative to have the equipment on our tractors referred to as crap. Since it would appear that you don't have that kind of tractor, maybe you could leave that sentiment to people that have first hand experience. :D Many of us are doing fine with these new tractors. So far most people who have had problems have been treated decently by Kubota. I hope that continues to be true.

Second, you are not entirely correct about running the tractor WOT all the time. The dpf filter is designed to accumulate particles, and those particles get burned off either with heavy use or during the regeneration cycle. You can keep the regeneration frequency down with higher exhaust temps, associated with work load. Unlike older tractors, there is no reason to leave them idle, they can be shut off and restarted easily. There was one model in particular that has had trouble getting exhaust temps up high enough to regenerate, but each of these different models in the B, L, and M lines has a different set of emissions control devices, engine designs, and strategies to control particles and toxic gases. You can't generalize from one model to the next willy nilly. I'm not saying there aren't problems, but I am kind of tired of folks condemning them that haven't tried them out. My 2003 diesel truck stinks to high heaven, my tractor doesn't. I am glad not to have particles in my lungs from warming up the tractor in the barn. My .02...
Sheepfarmer, read what I said again. I did not call the tractors crap. I call the emissions systems crap. I stand by my comments and do not take any of them back.