Do anything when you were young that amazes you now?


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I’ve done a few when I look back.

Something toggled a memory for whatever reason a few minutes ago. Nothing exceptional, but amazes me in today’s world.

In 1968 I hitchhiked from San Francisco airport to my parents door in Pittsburgh in 56 hours! That included being stuck for six hours in Cheyenne Wyoming from midnight till six in the morning with no I-80 traffic except for one vehicle every hour maybe. I spent those six hours in a gas station talking to the attendant, rather than standing at the roadside.

Of course, I had an advantage. A white sailor uniform, and it was during the Vietnam war And people thought positive of servicemen. But still, that’s pretty good!

How about you guys? When you think back do you see anything that you did back then that you can’t/couldn’t/shouldn’t do now?

I suppose the younger guys are thinking “what’s a hitchhiker?” LOL
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L2800, BH76A, FEL,box scraper
Nov 17, 2009
Lake Almanor, Ca
I quit drinking 19 years ago. There are times when I am reflecting on a great life that I am sorta amazed I was never arrested, maimed, hurt too bad or hurt anybody else and had some heart pounding moments that are funny now….but….many of those same memories remind me of WHY I quit drinking those many years ago:cool:
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M7060, L3902 HST, Farm King PT740, HLA 2500 Snowpusher, LandPride RCR1872
Oct 14, 2023
I have those toggled memories now and again as well. Too many moments to mention but a lot of them involved alcohol, stupidity , immaturity, danger, and sometimes a lack of good morals thrown in as well, and then there were the bad times :LOL: How I ever survived is the 8th wonder of the world. I think Tarmy and myself came to the same fork in the road.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I’ve done a few when I look back.

Something toggled a memory for whatever reason a few minutes ago. Nothing exceptional, but amazes me in today’s world.

In 1968 I hitchhiked from San Francisco airport to my parents door in Pittsburgh in 56 hours! That included being stuck for six hours in Cheyenne Wyoming from midnight till six in the morning with no I-80 traffic except for one vehicle every hour maybe. I spent those six hours in a gas station talking to the attendant, rather than standing at the roadside.

Of course, I had an advantage. A white sailor uniform, and it was during the Vietnam war And people thought positive of servicemen. But still, that’s pretty good!

How about you guys? When you think back do you see anything that you did back then that you can’t/couldn’t/shouldn’t do now?

I suppose the younger guys are thinking “what’s a hitchhiker?” LOL
Are you sure?


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2020 BX23S, BX2822 Snowblower, Curtis Deluxe Cab,
Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
From when I was 8 years old until I got my license when I was 17, I hitchhiked all over the place and always made it home in time for dinner. There are other things that I did that involved more risk than hitchhiking, but those shall be left hidden till I pass away. It wasn't anything illegal or that I am ashamed of, but I swore never to disclose my activities.
I have also bought a few classic/antique automobiles without disclosing them to my wife until they arrived in the driveway. I might even do it again if my friend decides that he is willing to part with his convertible.


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L2501(sold) - BX25D
Apr 23, 2024
Decades ago, I got a wild hair to see how far south I could drive on one tank of gas. Made it over 550 miles before I was on fumes in Daytona Beach, averaging over 100mph for the trip. Filled up, grabbed some food and headed back at a more sane pace. Most of my amazing, bad ideas involved cars and speed. Definitely amazing that I managed to do so with none of my tickets ending up as points on my license. I'll bet my lawyer retired 10 years earlier than planned due to my funding...

I've slowed down as I've aged, but still enjoy a fast car (just more responsibly now).


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New Holland T2310, New Holland TC21D, Kubota l3010 GST, Farmall H
Mar 18, 2021
Jump off the tailgate of a pickup.
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Kubota LX2620
Jun 22, 2024
Booze , drag racing , playing chicken . Sometimes all at the same time . It amazes me I didn’t kill myself or worse anyone else . I’ve had a wonderful life been real lucky . Thank God my kids never went thru that stage .


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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff so thanks for triggering my remembrance of the good and bad of my stupid and crazy. 🙄

One from a long time ago at work. Guy had a Datsun 280Z that had some impact damage to the front suspension. This was so long ago it was a pretty new car. Dealer fixed it and fixed it right. Owner was dead set he was getting a new car out of this somehow so he kept complaining, whining, calling, writing, showing up at the shop, whatever he could do to get anyone to listen; trying to convince the dealer, insurance company, or anyone other than himself to buy him a car despite everything measuring out within acceptable limits. According to him, it had a “dangerous high speed shimmy” and was unacceptable.

At the time, highest speed limit anywhere near here was 55mph. A couple techs and one service adviser had test driven it but they wouldn’t get much over the speed limit and he refused to drive it himself with a tech in the car. So about month into his continual bitching campaign, he gets tossed to the young, inexperienced guy (me) to deal with. I knew the history of the situation, so after half an hour of mostly just being berated, I talked him into one more test drive to recreate this high speed shimmy.

I wanted him to drive, but couldn’t get him to do that so off we went; he in the passenger seat and me driving. Driving through town we couldn’t get over about 50mph, which didn’t cut it. He was complaining about the time it was taking to get to a higher speed road and was all sorts of mouthy and insulting; I think because he hadn’t yet picked up on the fact that I was 3/4 crazy. We hit Hwy 52 on the north side of Winston-Salem and headed north toward Virginia.

Agreed silky smooth at 55 and 60. Asked him what speed for the shimmy. He wouldn’t say, just had to go faster. Bad answer. So we tried 65. He agreed no shimmy. We tried 70. He agreed no shimmy. We went up in 5mph increments with a brief pause for him to agree no shimmy. About 100 he started getting less snarky. About 110 he was notably nervous. About 120 he opined that I was insane. Advised I was unwilling to speed up or slow down until he acknowledged whether or not he felt a shimmy at 120mph as customer service and satisfaction were my only goal and I couldn’t achieve that without confirming his concerns were fully addressed. He loudly agreed no shimmy. Somewhere around 130mph the engine ran out of torque and we never did find that shimmy.

By that time we’d just passed the Pinnacle exit, I figured I was either going to jail, losing my license, and getting fired if we got stopped; or just getting fired if we didn’t get stopped. He looked like he was about 3 pints low on blood and begging me to slow down but I was having fun and we had about three miles to the next exit. Three miles didn’t give us much time at 130 but it was enough time for him to agree there was nothing wrong with the car, that he had been provided exemplary customer service, and he was fully satisfied with both me and the dealership in general. For a really stupid few minutes, kind of took me back to my street racing days. (Another ill advised activity.)

Having satisfied the customer, we bolted off the Pilot Mountain exit. Then headed over to Old 52 through Pinnacle, took a right on Perch Rd and wound through the country in a convoluted fashion to return to the dealership at a pace which would not justify probable cause for a traffic stop. Shortly into our return he asked me why I didn’t just go back down 52. Told him I was crazy, not stupid.

Service Manager met us in the parking lot when we got back. He asked the customer if we were able to recreate the shimmy. Customer said the car was perfect, he had no complaints, thanked the manager for doing a great job on the car, and left kind of abruptly. Service Manager asked me how the hell I did that and why the guy looked like he saw a ghost. Told him not to ask questions he didn’t want answers to. He left it alone and we never heard from the guy again so I didn’t get fired and didn’t tell anyone what happened until enough years passed that no one cared.

Edit: I’m sure now he’d pull out a cell phone and video everything while calling 911. There were no cell phones then. It was nice…
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Premium Member

May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
In 1968 I hitchhiked from San Francisco airport to my parents door in Pittsburgh in 56 hours!
That same year (1968) at age 14 I walked across the TOP of this old condemned 'Bow Bridge' over the Verdigris River in Independence, Kansas on a dare.

Stopped one time at the apex to catch my balance then went on to the other side. Probably not the smartest thing I ever did in my life.



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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Rode a bike with out a helmet, road three wheelers without a helmet, played jarts, climbed trees without any safety gear, went hunting with my buddies as soon as we got out of school and yes we had our shotguns in our vehicles.

I smarted off to my dad once, although I don't remember much about that, just woke up with a horrible headache.
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3901 LA525
May 31, 2015
NE Wisconsin
Pulled a Chevy small block out of my brothers truck by hand. Stood on the wheel wells and out it came. Competed in powerlifting back then. Said to myself that someday I’ll brag about this and the two people that witnessed it, my dad and uncle, wouldn’t be around to back it up. Here I am. Had the engine torn down by the time my brother showed up with the cherry picker.
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Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Are you sure?
You know, that’s a good question! I wore a wrist watch at the time and now that I think about it I’m not sure if I adjusted for the time zones or not!

So I guess it could’ve been three hours shorter or three hours longer!

Hitching was good back then if you were wearing a uniform. I used to regularly hitch between New York City and Pittsburgh for weekend visits. Generally took about eight or nine hours each way. Of course I cheated a bit then and got a ride out of Brooklyn with a guy that went home to Philadelphia after work Friday, and my dad rode me to the turnpike entrance when I was leaving Pittsburgh Sunday afternoo around 4 pm. Also, returning I just had to get anywhere in New York City and I could take the subway back to Brooklyn.

Wow! Another trip down memory Lane! One thing I noticed about the people that picked me up was that a good number of them liked to drive fast. Met lots of good people. One strange experience I remember is being picked up by a guy about my age. May be a little older. He was wearing a navy uniform, but the blue version, which you can use all year round. I liked the white uniform (warm weather uniform) because it stood out so good when hitchhiking at night.

He picked me up somewhere before Pittsburgh and we rode into the city together and he was telling me that he just got out of a military hospital after receiving care for a mental problem, and that he wasn’t going back. I said oh that’s interesting… Then he said you know how you can be sure I’m not going back? I said … no…. He reached under his seat and pulled out a revolver. It looked like a short barrel 38 caliber to my unprofessional eye.

My reply was something like: “Man, I totally agree with you. The military really sucks! I totally understand… By the way, this is about where I wanna go, so could you let me out right up there?”

Hitched from that point to my parent’s home which was about 7 miles north of the city. True story…


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L2501(sold) - BX25D
Apr 23, 2024
Rode a bike with out a helmet, road three wheelers without a helmet, played jarts, climbed trees without any safety gear, went hunting with my buddies as soon as we got out of school and yes we had our shotguns in our vehicles.

I smarted off to my dad once, although I don't remember much about that, just woke up with a horrible headache.
Oh man, that reminds me... My sister and I would stand on opposite sides of our trailer, next to the Jarts ring and blindly throw Jarts over the trailer trying to hit the ring on the other side without hitting the sibling. You've gotta have sharp eyesight and quick reflexes to get out of the way of one of those coming down at you. No wonder they made them illegal. I still have a pristine set in my basement.
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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Never had any problems with Jarts at home. However, when I was around 20 and worked for a small electrical contractor there was a mishap at our first (and only) company picnic. One of my coworkers took a hit to his ankle when he got in the way of an incoming Jart. Alcohol may have been involved.
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