Diesel from a 5 Gallon can


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
That one you show on the left - I have a gas can that has that spout on it. ONE of the few that work the way they are meant to work!

One hand can "Aim" and push the button at the same time without the need for another arm or hand! Excellent design.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I use the No spill also, only put 3 gallons in it because some lifting and balancing is required to pour into a filter funnel.

Got another question, after a couple years use I can see dirt or godforbid algae clinging to the inside seam of the container. I put some undiluted Diesel Clean in it and sloshed it around and then dumped it out :)eek:) on the driveway, but it's still there. So how do you guys keep these fuel containers clean? If you use the Mr Funnel water filter funnel you can't run these additives through the funnel, they will destroy the coating, so they have to go into the tractor tank separately. Hosing out the container with water seems counterproductive. If we were in labs we could dry out the inside with alcohol and dump into hazardous waste containers...but not in the average household. Can't quite see rinsing them with vodka...


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MX5100 FEL ford 1620 FEL International 484 FEL Lull 844C
35 gallon Gas Caddy from amazon, $100 or so. Added 2 diesel self stick labels.

Arrives w/ wheel kit (4), hand pump and hose. Take it by pick up for refilling,
Lift on/off truck w/ forks, small wooden platform sq u bolted to forks.

No more Spills on hood, hand pump fast enough, solved issue for my fueling.

Steel construction, made in you know where.


New member
Aug 5, 2017
Rochester, MI
This is the easiest I’ve found in a 5 gallon can. Simply lift it to the Kubota fill hole, turn it over with “lip” of can engaged on tractor fill spout and push down. Diesel starts flowing. Once full, lift up on can and fuel stops flowing. Simple. And you don’t have to carry all the weight, you just balance it.
Available on Amazon.
Briggs and Stratton 85056 5 gallon diesel can.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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BX2660, LA243 FEL, RCK54P-23BX MMM, BX2751 QH Subframe, BX2750D 50" Blower
Mar 27, 2018
Columbia, CT
I use the No Spill too on my BX. I simply rest the can on the hand rail next to the fill opening. All the weight is supported by the hand rail...



Well-known member

B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
I had a battery operated transfer pump that ran off 2 D cells. Worked OK for a while, then started having issues with the battery terminals.

Replaced it with this 4 AA cell powered unit:


Works great. Comes with a variety of adapters so it fits virtually any can. Put the pump on the can, set it on any available flat surface within reach of the hose, stick the end of the hose in the tank to be filled, push the green button. The "nozzle" has a float switch that turns the pump off when the tank is nearly full.

Also handy for filling boats with gas.



BX23S with 60inch deck. implements, blade, forks, spreader, and more.
Jun 18, 2018
They also sell pumps that work off drill power, and can transfer fuel. I been lifting them my self, but starting to think about a pump my self.


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L6060, Erskine hydraulic snow blower, back hoe
Feb 16, 2018
Central, ME,USA
35 gallon Gas Caddy from amazon, $100 or so. Added 2 diesel self stick labels.

Arrives w/ wheel kit (4), hand pump and hose. Take it by pick up for refilling,
Lift on/off truck w/ forks, small wooden platform sq u bolted to forks.

No more Spills on hood, hand pump fast enough, solved issue for my fueling.

Steel construction, made in you know where.
I looked at these, but the reviews were not very good. How was your experience with it?


Well-known member

L3650 GST, Landpride TL250 FEL w/ Piranha, 6' King Kutter, GM1084R Finish
Aug 1, 2017
Scranton, PA
So how do you guys keep these fuel containers clean?
I had the same thing with my containers ... I put a quart of kerosene in with a cotton rag and sloshed it around. I really was surprised at how well it worked. Dumped mine in the waste oil though... Free heat!!
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Lifetime Member

L3560, LA805 loader, BH77 backhoe, rock bucket, box blade, pallet forks
Jun 11, 2018
Mesquite, NV
I use the exact same procedure as Sheepfarmer. Putting 3 gallons in the TSC no-spill can means 3 trips to the gas station, but I can drive the tractor close to the pickup tailgate and it's easy with my Grand L low filler cap. That low filler cap is one of several reasons I went with the Grand L. I'm an older guy and lifting heavy things isn't easy. I've only filled it up once so far so I can't speak to deposits inside the can, it's new.


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Premium Member

Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
Mattwithcats post has it right. A kerosene pump. I got one at the local hardware for $5.bucks. I have a thick towel I double over and put above the slope of the instrument cluster. Sit my five gallon jug on the towel. And use the siphon pump to drain the can. Quick and easy. No lifting. Pouring. Spilling.
The towel protects the hood from scratches.



L3901, LA525, RC1860, SCR0660, BB1260
May 19, 2018
Magnolia Springs, aL
Have struggled with the same thing. Have broken the gaskets on those "safety" spouts, dumping a half gallon all over before getting the can righted. Real "safe"!

Any product designer that designs something should have to use it. CARB/EPA has companies so locked up to prevent one ounce of emissions that they stopped paying attention to what people actually need to do with their products.

Anyway, saw this post, and I was actually heading over to Tractor Supply this morning to buy one of each of these two designs. I can sit the can on the cowling (L3901), so I think either should work without having wrestle the can, and try to hold 30+ lbs with one hand (contorted) while trying to get the safety do dad open.

Both are vented, both have simple levers or push buttons to let the fuel flow, and both seem to have their handles such that you can actually use them without tearing a rotator cuff.
I picked up the No Spill yesterday. $29 at TSC. The other one was $48, so I didn't buy it. I think the No Spill will be perfect. Won't have to hold the weight of the fuel at all. Rest it on the cowling with the nozzle in the fuel filler hole and press the button . . .

. . . and then throw that sorry CARB/APA plastic safety can in the burn pile . . . it can't make any more emissions than what I've spilled as a result of its lousy design.

One other nice feature of the No Spill - it has more of a square bottom profile vs the more rectangular standard plastic cans, so I think it will be much less likely to turn over on the back of my PU.
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3901/Loader/Rear Blade/Box Blade/LP Mower/Pallet forks IH M,,Cub & sickle mower
Feb 5, 2018
Southern Illinois
I also bought a no spill last night at rural king after reading this thread. We noted the square design to be an advantage.

My late father had a fuel transfer pump in his garage. I believe he purchased it at an auction. Going to test that puppy out, if all ok we'll use it to. Runs off 120vac.

Venting the no spill makes allot of sense, will see how this goes......too many birthdays on this end.

Good thread