Daily Chuckle


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
That follows along the lines of a shin and a trailer hitch!
Yeah, it should be a law that if there isn't a trailer attached to it, the hitch must be removed from the receiver. Think of all the banged up shins would be saved.
I guess it's just too much work for some people tahe 10 seconds to pull the pin and throw in the back of the truck.


Active member

Apr 20, 2011
Because it is unreasonable to expect people to look where they are walking.




New member
Sep 16, 2016
North Central Oklahoma
Yeah, it should be a law that if there isn't a trailer attached to it, the hitch must be removed from the receiver. Think of all the banged up shins would be saved.

I guess it's just too much work for some people tahe 10 seconds to pull the pin and throw in the back of the truck.

I have also banged my shins a few times. Eventually learned to take that one second longer route around the possible hitch areas :)

Thank goodness its not Mardi Gras around here. I would probably be walking into the side of the truck.
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2015 BX2370
Jun 19, 2014
Prescott, Ontario
The reason I leave the receiver in my trailer hitch is because poor drivers tend to park by sound, and tend to want to bump the rear bumper before they stop.
If they happen to walk that close to the rear of my truck, and bump their shins, not my problem, just don,t bump or scratch my truck. If it didn,t look so dorky, I would love to have a hitch and receiver on the front of my truck as well, for the same reasons. I take great pride in keeping my stuff in great shape, and get ticked off if my stuff gets scratched or dinged, especially by others. We certainly don,t need more laws. How about more common sense instead, or let Darwin do his job. Some folks are quik learners. Others were put on this earth to be lessons for those around them.
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I always thought that was a great idea too, I had a jeep truck and it wasnt real high to start with, and then one day as I pulled out of the mall parking lot I felt a strange tug like I was hooked to something, sure enough, I pulled the bumper off a chevy malibu well not off but it unhooked and sure was twisted up a bunch. Because the stupid broad that parked behind me pulled up so close she drove over the ball. And yes I had to pay for the bumper, her fault but the magistrate said I shouldn't have had the hitch in place if I wasnt towing the boat. I thought that if she wasnt so stupid she would have stopped when she felt the bump the first time, instead of keep pushing, and we would not have had this problem


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
The reason I leave the receiver in my trailer hitch is because poor drivers tend to park by sound, and tend to want to bump the rear bumper before they stop.
Poor drivers drive trucks which hitches sticking out the back too.
And that is why I have a dent in my front bumper. The guy I was parked behind had his hitch installed, and when he tried getting his truck out of the parallel parking spot, he just backed up until he felt it hit my bumper and then pulled out.
In a way, it was my fault, because I told the friend that was with me that I hope that guy doesn't back into me. When we came out of the restaurant, sure enough there was a dent in my bumper.
That's another reason I installed a backup camera in my tailgate, parking.


Staff member

Kubota tech..BX2370, RCK60, B7100HST, RTV900 w plow, Ford 1100 FWA
Nov 20, 2011
Kansas City, KS
Why we shoot deer in the wild:
(A letter from someone who wants to remain anonymous, who farms, writes well and actually tried this)

I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first step in this adventure was getting a deer. I figured that, since they congregate at my cattle feeder and do not seem to have much fear of me when we are there (a bold one will sometimes come right up and sniff at the bags of feed while I am in the back of the truck not 4 feet away), it should not be difficult to rope one, get up to it and toss a bag over its head (to calm it down) then hogtie it and transport it home.

I filled the cattle feeder then hid down at the end with my rope. The cattle, having seen the roping thing before, stayed well back. They were not having any of it. After about 20 minutes, my deer showed up,3 of them. I picked out a likely looking one, stepped out from the end of the feeder, and threw my rope. The deer just stood there and stared at me. I wrapped the rope around my waist and twisted the end so I would have a good hold.
The deer still just stood and stared at me, but you could tell it was mildly concerned about the whole rope situation. I took a step towards it, it took a step away. I put a little tension on the rope and then received an education. The first thing that I learned is that, while a deer may just stand there looking at you funny while you rope it***894; they are spurred to action when you start pulling on that rope.

That deer EXPLODED. The second thing I learned is that pound for pound, a deer is a LOT stronger than a cow or a colt. A cow or a colt in that weight range I could fight down with a rope and with some dignity. A deer, not a chance. That thing ran and bucked and twisted and pulled. There was no controlling it and certainly no getting close to it. As it jerked me off my feet and started dragging me across the ground, it occurred to me that having a deer on a rope was not nearly as good of an idea as I had originally imagined. The only upside is that they do not have as much stamina as
many other animals.

A brief 10 minutes later, it was tired and not nearly as quick to jerk me off my feet and drag me when I managed to get up. It took me a few minutes to realize this since I was mostly blinded by the blood flowing out of the big gash in my head. At that point, I had lost my taste for corn-fed venison. I just wanted to get that devil creature off the end of that rope.
I figured if I just let it go with the rope hanging around its neck, it would likely die slow and painfully somewhere. At the time, there was no love at all between me and that deer.
At that moment, I hated the thing, and I would venture a guess that the feeling was mutual. Despite the gash in my head and the several large knots where I had cleverly arrested the deer's momentum by bracing my head against various large rocks as it dragged me across the ground, I could still think clearly enough to recognize that there was a small chance that I shared some tiny amount of responsibility for the situation we were in. I didn't want the deer to have to suffer a slow death, so I managed to get it lined back up in between my truck and the feeder a little trap I had set beforehand, kind of like a squeeze chute. I got it to back in there and I started moving up so I could get my rope back.
Did you know that deer bite? They do! I never in a million years would have thought that a deer would bite somebody, so I was very surprised when I reached up there to grab that rope and the deer grabbed hold of my wrist. Now, when a deer bites you, it is not like being bit by a horse where they just bite you and slide off to then let go. A deer bites you and shakes its head almost like a pit bull. They bite HARD and it hurts.

The proper thing to do when a deer bites you is probably to freeze and draw back slowly. I tried screaming and shaking instead. My method was ineffective.
It seems like the deer was biting and shaking for several minutes, but it was likely only several seconds.
I, being smarter than a deer (though you may be questioning that claim by now), tricked it. While I kept it busy tearing the tendons out of my right arm, I reached up with my left hand and pulled that rope loose.

That was when I got my final lesson in deer behavior for the day.
Deer will strike at you with their front feet. They rear right up on their back feet and strike right about head and shoulder level, and their hooves are surprisingly sharp. I learned a long time ago that, when an animal like a horse strikes at you with their hooves and you can't get away easily, the best thing to do is try to make a loud noise and make an aggressive move towards the animal.

This will usually cause them to back down a bit so you can escape. This was not a horse. This was a deer, so obviously, such trickery would not work. In the course of
a millisecond, I devised a different strategy. I screamed like a woman and tried to turn and run.
The reason I had always been told NOT to try to turn and run from a horse that paws at you is that there is a good chance that it will hit you in the back of the head. Deer may not be so different from horses after all, besides being twice as strong and 3 times as evil, because the second I turned to run, it hit me right in the back of the head and knocked me down.

Now, when a deer paws at you and knocks you down, it does not immediately leave. I suspect it does not recognize that the danger has passed. What they do instead is paw your back and jump up and down on you while you are laying there crying like a little girl and covering your head.
I finally managed to crawl under the truck and the deer went away. So now I know why when people go deer hunting they bring a rifle with a scope, to sort of even the odds!!

All these events are true so help me God, An Educated Farmer
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Staff member

Kubota tech..BX2370, RCK60, B7100HST, RTV900 w plow, Ford 1100 FWA
Nov 20, 2011
Kansas City, KS
Taser lesson...A must READ!

Just try reading this without laughing till you cry!!!

Pocket Taser Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife. A guy who purchased

his lovely wife a pocket Taser for their anniversary submitted this:

Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop that

sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I

was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came

across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser. The effects of

the taser was supposed to be short-lived, with no long-term adverse

affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to


WAY TOO COOL! Long story short, I bought the device and brought it


I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button.

Nothing! I was disappointed.I learned, however, that if I pushed the

I learned, however, that if I pushed the

button AND pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get

the blue arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.

AWESOME!!! Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Julie what that

burn spot is on the face of her microwave.

Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it

couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A batteries, right?

There I sat in my recliner, my cat Gracie looking on intently (trusting

little soul) while I was reading the directions and thinking that I

really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood moving


I must admit I thought about zapping Gracie (for a fraction of a second)

and thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat. But, if I was going

to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did

want some assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong?

So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my reading

glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions

in one hand, and taser in another.

The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient

your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms

and a major loss of bodily control; a three-second burst would

purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of

water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the

batteries. All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring

about 5' long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference; pretty cute really

and (loaded with two itsy, bitsy triple-A batteries) thinking to

myself, 'no possible way!'

What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll do my


I'm sitting there alone, Gracie looking on with her head cocked to

one side as if to say, 'don't do it,' reasoning that a one

second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn't hurt all that bad. I

decided to give myself a one-second burst just for the heck of it. I

touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and . . .



I'm pretty sure Jessie Ventura ran in through the side door, picked me

up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the carpet, over and

over and over again. I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal

position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on

fire, testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in

the oddest position, and tingling in my legs.

The cat was making meowing sounds I had never heard before, clinging to

a picture frame hanging above the fireplace, obviously in an attempt

to avoid getting slammed by my body flopping all over the living room.

Note: If you ever feel compelled to 'mug' yourself with a taser, one

note of caution: there is no such thing as a one-second burst when you

zap yourself! You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged

from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. A three

second burst would be considered conservative.


A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a relative thing at

that point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and

surveyed the landscape. My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of

the fireplace. The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so

from where it originally was. My triceps, right thigh and both

nipples were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain,

and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I had no control over the drooling.

Apparently I pooped myself but was too numb to know for sure and my

sense of smell was gone. I saw a faint smoke cloud above my head which

believe came from my hair. I'm still looking for my nuts and I'm

offering a significant reward for their safe return!!

P. S. My wife loved the gift, and now regularly threatens me with it!

'If you think Education is difficult, try being stupid.'
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Kubota L4060, box blade, stump bucket grapple, snowblower
May 17, 2019
New Brunswick Canada
I read the following in a bathroom stall.

"Knock down the walls that separate us"

followed by

"If we did that there would be too many idiots in one room"

Which I have to agree with, as above the urinal someone wrote

"The future is in your hands"

That was a fun bathroom...



Kubota L4060, box blade, stump bucket grapple, snowblower
May 17, 2019
New Brunswick Canada
This just happened today.

Had a co-worker go off on a rant about millenials. They have it too good, you need to baby them, can't reprimand them cause it might hurt their feelings, no work ethic, entitled, and the list went on. This lasted for 5 minutes. At the end he finished with "I'm gonna smack them in the face with a VCR". Someone pipes up, why a VCR? He replies, Cause they'll never know what hit'em.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I read the following in a bathroom stall.

"Knock down the walls that separate us"

followed by

"If we did that there would be too many idiots in one room"

Which I have to agree with, as above the urinal someone wrote

"The future is in your hands"

That was a fun bathroom...
That's better then "The joke is in your hands!!!" :D:D

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I worked with a card carrying, extreme left liberal electrical engineer. He would regularly ask me when I was going to report to the government to turn in my gun.
When I asked him why I should do that, he replied "Because you might shoot somone someday."
One day after his asinine question, I asked him "When are you going to report for castration?" He was horrified, and wanted to know why he should do that...
I said "Because you might rape someone someday."
He stopped talking to me.
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