Mine was red also. The day I turned 40, I picked up the newspaper and saw a Corvette for sale. Told my wife I was going to buy a Corvette. An hour later the seller followed me home with it. My wife thought I was crazy but enjoyed it also. Big thing I ran into was a red Corvette is a cop magnetic and I would get stopped all the time to check if it was stolen. Wel. Maybe not every stop was for that, but it was a cop magnet. The tough thing about getting out was the sills being higher then the seat.View attachment 150317
1. I've never worn "jorts" in my life!
2. Comments re: entry/exit are spot on. Wicked comfy once you wriggle into it tho.
3. I used to laugh at old farts in Corvettes. Now I are one. Just as well, if I could have afforded one in my 20's I wouldn't be here now.
I always joked with my wife about hanging a hoist over it in the garage so I could pick myself out