COVID-19 Stuff

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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Yeah like that little blue pill is for your heart, but works on other things too so I am told :D


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L2501, JD 3520
Feb 2, 2011
Preston County, WV
I'm trying to understand why areas of the country including places with very few cases are still shut down? The lockdown was designed to flatten the curve, to avoid overwhelming our hospital system. It worked everywhere (but it came close to being implemented too late in NYC) but AFAIK hospitals are not overwhelmed now at all.
The thing is if you flatten the curve you also extend the time it takes for the virus to run its course through the country. It doesn't reduce the number of eventual infections. So it must run it's course we can't stop it.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Considering there is no 'cure' and no vaccine, I'm not at all sure about 'opening up the country and letting it 'run it's course'. No one really knows what that 'course' will consist of. I see that young children are now getting a mutated version of the virus. Looks to me like no one gets a free ticket.

Reason I say that is, are people really ready to accept the consequences of their actions? I don't believe so and the reason I say that is we live in a society of whiners and complainers., so if things aren't 'peachy', then the population in general will be crying the blues as many die off.

Foresight is much better than hindsight and flattening the curve is one thing but to cease mitigation and return to the 'old ways' is asking for wholesale virus infections, least in my opinion.

It's not going away just because you are bored, or unemployed. It's here, will stay here and will bite you in the arse if you let your guard down. We aren't going to. You can if you want. I'm not the Captain of your ship. I navigate my own ship.

Said before that Amy and I will continue to practice mitigation, but what you do is entirely your choice. However, be ready to accept the consequences of your actions and don't participate in the great American past tome of whining about it when you get sick or your loved ones get sick or die from it and dying is a real possibility.

Helluva way to die. Drowning in your own fluids with a plastic tube shoved down your throat, all alone with only your thoughts to comfort you and the aura of Morphine clouding that aspect. Not foe me if I can avoid it.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Additionally, 'flattening the curve' don't make it somehow go away. All that does is lessen the mortality rate and case load for health care providers. Nothing more.

It's not gonna somehow vanish and to think it is, is just fantasy. It's out there, just waiting to bite you.


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L2501, JD 3520
Feb 2, 2011
Preston County, WV
No it won’t vanish until herd immunity is achieved. I believe Sweden had the right approach and will probably experience the same mortality without suffering through a lockdown, as the countries that did. I guess a year from now we will know.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I will feel better about letting it run its course when the supply chains for masks and drugs are straightened out. Right now the mortality rate in Michigan is running around 8 to 9%, no doubt high due to lack of availability of test kits. So any increase in cases and our hospitals will be swamped again. What worries me even more is that the new pieces of information about this virus are scary. It is a really nasty beast that we don't know enough about to fight or plan adequately.

What chaps my hide is the overall lack of planning. I would like to have seen the government implement shutdown help through the businesses themselves. Keep employees on the payroll at some fraction of their regular salaries and reimburse the business. A lot less paperwork. Utilize the military to help deliver food and supplies. Once everything is organized take a chance on spreading. At the moment what we have is a shambles.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
No it won’t vanish until herd immunity is achieved. I believe Sweden had the right approach and will probably experience the same mortality without suffering through a lockdown, as the countries that did. I guess a year from now we will know.

Do you really understand what 'herd immunity' is? I don't think so. What it means is the mortality rate is lessened but people (many, many) die anyway. There is, at present, no 'immunity' to it, herd or otherwise, that has actually been documented.

It distills down to, are you ready to accept the fate of succumbing to the virus? I'm not. I see Gavin Newsome just stated that the new normal in California will not be the old normal. I applaud his foresight even though I don't care for his politics, just like I don't care for Whitmer's politics (Michigan either) but I will say that their politics have 'flattened the curve' and saved lives and grief.

Couple things will happen with my wife and I. Until a vaccine is developed and the threat of dying is mitigated to at least the death rate from the common Asian flu, we will not go to any restaurants and 'dine in', we will avoid gatherings where groups of people gather. We will wear masks in public, we will wash our hands often and use hand sanitizer. We will not purchase carry out food either and we will do our grocery shopping remotely if possible.

I will farm but I will do it alone, just like I have for years.

Don't take a rocket scientist to mitigate the threat of a horrible death, just some common sense. Sadly, common sense is lacking in today's society. Common sense replaced by whining.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I will feel better about letting it run its course when the supply chains for masks and drugs are straightened out. Right now the mortality rate in Michigan is running around 8 to 9%, no doubt high due to lack of availability of test kits. So any increase in cases and our hospitals will be swamped again. What worries me even more is that the new pieces of information about this virus are scary. It is a really nasty beast that we don't know enough about to fight or plan adequately.

What chaps my hide is the overall lack of planning. I would like to have seen the government implement shutdown help through the businesses themselves. Keep employees on the payroll at some fraction of their regular salaries and reimburse the business. A lot less paperwork. Utilize the military to help deliver food and supplies. Once everything is organized take a chance on spreading. At the moment what we have is a shambles.
If you left it up to private enterprises to do the 'right thing', would never happen because they are profit driven and the bottom line supersedes life.

The central government is a huge juggernaut and it takes time to align everything. I personally believe that for the size and scope of the issues, they are doing a pretty good job, considering the all the whining about having to comply that the populous is doing.

On another tack, even though I'm very pro 2A and I hold sacred the right to bear arms against a tyrannical government, I thought the last fiasco in Lansing with masked idiots toting firearms around was terrible. Very ignorant and just enforced my belief about sheeple acting stupidly



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Be careful what you wish for (desire) about the virus. Both you and I are older and at least I have a pre existing condition that makes me even more susceptible to dying. I'm not about to stack the deck in favor of death just because I want to go fishing with my buddies, or have a party with friends.

You don't have a clue who is asymptomatic at this point, so why chance it. U prefer to err on the side of caution. Others may nor but again, personal choice. The issue arises when you make that choice and then whine about the outcome.

Put up and shut up. being an adult is about accepting responsibility for your actions.


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
I watched a good interview yesterday with Laurie Garrett who predicted this virus years back. Now she says at the earliest we will be into this for at least another 3+ years. Is she right I certainly hope not, very disturbing and depressing if she is right. You may want to start the video at the 3:14 mark and please don't shoot the messenger.


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B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
I'm getting fed up with all these curbs on our freedoms. Covid is just the latest excuse.

Take traffic lights for instance. I am guaranteed the freedom to travel where and when I want but traffic lights are an infringement of my rights. They're an example of how Big Oil and Big Brakes control the government and make their money off the little guy by forcing him to stop frequently and idle for a while before accelerating again. The cops are in on it, hassling motorists by enforcing these unjust laws.

They said we would have traffic chaos and untold carnage without them, but despite spending millions or billions of dollars on new lights every year we just don't see the mayhem they originally predicted, proving traffic lights are a complete waste of tax dollars. Sure, there are a few hundred deaths here and there every day but those are other people, not me, so they are an acceptable loss.

I think it is our duty to stand up to the man and enforce our rights by ignoring all traffic lights!


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Yes I do. Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke does too.
The trouble with what you're saying is you can find a study or 2 that will support it but if you do more research you will find 10 others that will have bad results. What it boils down to is are we willing to put the elderly folks with weakened immune systems in jeopardy? For me the loss of even one life is one too many and if you look into it further there is a good chance people can and will be infected again after already having it once. Bottom line it isn't my call nor yours which I'm very thankful for. All the best my friend.


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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
I'm getting fed up with all these curbs on our freedoms. Covid is just the latest excuse.

Take traffic lights for instance. I am guaranteed the freedom to travel where and when I want but traffic lights are an infringement of my rights. They're an example of how Big Oil and Big Brakes control the government and make their money off the little guy by forcing him to stop frequently and idle for a while before accelerating again. The cops are in on it, hassling motorists by enforcing these unjust laws.

They said we would have traffic chaos and untold carnage without them, but despite spending millions or billions of dollars on new lights every year we just don't see the mayhem they originally predicted, proving traffic lights are a complete waste of tax dollars. Sure, there are a few hundred deaths here and there every day but those are other people, not me, so they are an acceptable loss.

I think it is our duty to stand up to the man and enforce our rights by ignoring all traffic lights!
OTT: Where if you love freedom more than protection, you will be mocked.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
OTT: Where if you love freedom more than protection, you will be mocked.
Just because other people don't agree with you it doesn't mean they are mocking you. It seems to me that you're the one with a chip on your shoulder.


Well-known member
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
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Well-known member
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
Just because other people don't agree with you it doesn't mean they are mocking you. It seems to me that you're the one with a chip on your shoulder.
sorry but torches comments where 100% mocking. Not to me per say, but to those like me that think the restrictions are getting out of hand.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
sorry but torches comments where 100% mocking. Not to me per say, but to those like me that think the restrictions are getting out of hand.
When you look at the numbers I'm not sure how anyone can say the restrictions are getting out of hand. :eek: Right or wrong they are now starting to relax some of the restrictions, I guess we'll know soon enough whether or not it's a good idea. Patience is a virtue they say.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Lets put it this way to put everything in a more personal perspective...

If the scholars at John Hopkins University are correct (and I hope they aren't), around 550,000 people will die before 'herd immunity' gains an upper hand.

To put that in perspective that everyone can grasp... Basically, someone you know personally will die and it may be you.

Digest that stat.

BTW, just North America.

I guess if you are 'fed up' and tired of 'flattening the curve', then go out and party hardy. Just be aware that your selfish attitude could very well be your undoing.

People falsely assume the 'flattening the curve' somehow negates their responsibility to act like an adult.

All flattening the curve does is keep hospitals from being overloaded. It does nothing for the rate of mortality and conversely, going out and living the unencumbered lifestyle you want too, only increases the mortality rate.

Covid never sleeps. It's waiting to infect you... Not magically vanishing anytime soon.

Like I said before, no vaccine, (yet), no cure so only mitigation us the ONLY deterrent.

Think about it and think hard.

To those who think it's a joke, was nice (in most cases, not all) of knowing you. Hopefully, your last days on Earth are somewhat pleasant though I don't believe they will be as you drown in your own bodily fluids with a plastic tube shoved down your throat or surgically implanted in your windpipe supplying your useless lungs with oxygen because they can no longer aspirate on their own.

Someone will appreciate that Kubota tractor you will leave behind because you get to leave this world, just like you came into it.

Naked and afraid....

Life and death is what you and you alone make it.

I've already danced with death not too long ago. I know what my choice is and I surely don't want Covid to be my demise.

Choose, but choose wisely, your destiny is entirely in your own hands.
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