Re: Is the sky falling?
How many people can afford all of their monthly bills if their income stops today?
For some it's not going to take long before everything goes south.
There are quite a few that have already been laid off or just had to close down, or just stop working, we are personaly looking at that distinct possibility here shortly.
For those that can get unemployment for their lay off from their states, how long before that severely overloaded system fails, or just simply runs out of money.
That's not even taking into account that unemployment will only pay a small portion of your regular pay.
For those that are Self Employed they are just out of luck from day one.
Now for those of you retired and collecting SS benefits.
The people that work now pay into it, so way less people working, means way less people paying in, so less money that will be available to go back out.
How long before that pot runs dry and there is no money left in it?
For all the people that have healthcare paid for via their jobs, well guess what, your not working, you don't have healthcare benefits anymore!

So getting sick and going to the hospital is going to wipe them out instantly.
That is if there is any room at the hospitals.
Bearbait, brought up a very good point, what happens if you get hurt?
Back to those of us that don't have a steady income stream, like me, and for those that are 50/50 income stream (one works a regular paying job and the other works for themselves), like us.
We have to rely on our savings to hold us over till things start back up.
Well here comes the rub, if this drags on for a couple months...
We're not going to be able to afford Our Land payment, our Truck payments, our Utility payments, our now over the top Cobra insurance payments, our auto, home, and other insurance payments, our cell phone service payments, our internet service, and that doesn't include all the normal things like food and normal household use products, or fuel to run a vehicle.
So we will be homeless, vehicleless, powerless, insuranceless, disconnected from the world (no cell or internet) and out in the cold.
Well I can live off the land, I'm in an area that it's possible, well at least for a little while, but at some point It will go south too.
What about the people that work a simple job and on a normal day / week / month, barely can keep up, they just barely make their bills, they just barely feed themselves or their family, and they just get by.
They will be wiped out, decimated and/or destroyed by this, very quickly!
This is going to effect a lot of people in a lot of ways, some in ways they never imagined!
When 2008/ 2009 crash happened I watched my million plus a year business that I had work 10 plus years to build, go completely up in smoke in nothing flat (I did remodels and custom build work), I lost just about everything I had.
My then GF, now wife, watched me go from a person that had the means to do just about anything I needed to do, or wanted to do, to a person that couldn't afford to do anything.
She is my rock is so many ways, she still managed to keep a job though all of that, but with a huge pay cut, but that gave us something.
I worked just about any odd job I could, sold everything I could.
We scrambled and scraped up everything we could, and we worked our way back up.
I'm lucky in the fact I can do a lot of different jobs, and have many different skill sets, so I just keep doing anything I can to make money.
We now again sit on the precipice to lose it all again, and frankly that scares the living hell out of me!
I never wished my wife to have to go through that again!
So my point:
Please be kind to anyone and everyone as you really might not know what they are going through.
If you can help a friend, a neighbor, or family member, or anyone in need, in anyway shape or form just do it. Even doing something as simple as to just not look down on anyone for being down and out, we are not all worthless bums / bumetts because of events that affect us!
That last part hits home hard, because my family looked down, and talked down to me for losing everything I had. And most of them I gave money to and supported for years!
Be thoughtful and Kind!