CORN!!! Have you ever heard of rats ? If you keep feeding them they might eventually get fat enough to trip the traps.
No rats, just pack rats and the cats take care of them. These are definitely coons, see the tracks. I did try a mesh bag of corn hanging at the back of the trap so that they would have to reach for it and trip it but they did not go for that.
Mice! Why of course it's mice, cats are certain death for rats but totally ignore mice. I feel like such a fool in overlooking that widely known fact.I think I figured it out, not rats but mice eating the bait and not tripping the trap. No fresh tracks and cat food and water are back to normal levels, coon was drinking and eating a lot. Thanks for all the input, cameras are a neat idea but I'm trying to cut down on "stuff" since I have way too many things to maintain and keep track of. Maybe camera array in the future if I get bored, lol.