I'm just checking my b6000's cooling system. Is there a thermostat, or should the fluid be circulating all the time?
It hasn't overheated yet, but I really haven't run it too long till im sure.
I do hear a boiling sound after I shut it down, and a little coolant coming out the overflow.
Thanks for any help.
There is no thermostat, no pump!
Works off of the physics of hot water rises - thus as the engine gets hot, the hot water rises, and the hot water is replaced by cooler water from below.
Boiling water is a bad thing -
first and foremost - clean that radiator inside and out, like multiple times!
Check hoses - possible that one has collapsed.
Check fan belt tension -this can play a huge roll in cooling or lack thereof.
Check radiator cap too - a bad one there can screw up the works!
I would run a "cleaner" through your radiator - vinegar with a 50-50 solutions, run it a bit, replace with a baking soda run hot, replace - and do that several times.....you'll find some good stuff come out of it! Running with a 70-30 antifreeze will help lower the temps of you unit too.
Buy a infrared laser pointed thermostat - they are dirt cheap now days. It will tell you more about the heat dissipation than any other tool.