Turns out I misjudged the depth of the PTO pump and had to cut out my cross member and move it back ~6 inches. All good now.
First little bit of digging and man, what a difference between this on my l2501 hard mounted and 3 point mounted on my 6200.
Getting the adapter on and off the BH is a total pain in the butt however it's a one more time thing after I take it off to sand and paint. Hook up to the subframe is pretty easy, just a slight bit more complicated because of the PTO pump.
We'll see how it performs long term and I'll update once it's painted also.
First little bit of digging and man, what a difference between this on my l2501 hard mounted and 3 point mounted on my 6200.
Getting the adapter on and off the BH is a total pain in the butt however it's a one more time thing after I take it off to sand and paint. Hook up to the subframe is pretty easy, just a slight bit more complicated because of the PTO pump.
We'll see how it performs long term and I'll update once it's painted also.
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