Once in a while my "CHG" lightning bolt idiot light will be on, then go off. Lately it is on all the time. I put a voltmeter on the battery and not charging. Id there a way to test things to isolate if it is the alternator or the voltage regulator?
I have a B-8200E and had a similar problem. When I bought my B-8200E the charge light was on all the time. I first thought it was the Dynamo(Alternator), but after checking it and finding good voltage, I turned my attention to the Voltage Regulator. Replaced it and all problems were fixed. Found mine on eBay for a decent price compared to buying it from "Big Orange".
I had a similar problem on my B8200. The light would come on idle but would go out when i revved it up. Turned out i needed to replace the bearings in the dynamo.
found it. It was that multiple spade connector plug by the steering gear. Corroded. I pulling it apart and cleaned it with an exacto knife, sprayed both ends of plug with WD40 and put it back together and bingo, light is out voltage climbs on battery when running. thanks.