Changing the shaft hydraulic arm, is it a simple job?


New member

Aug 8, 2012
Gloucestershire, UK
Hey guys. Some of you may remember a few months back I posted about the link arms on my 3 point not being level. It was suggested that the shaft hydraulic arm could be twisted and you were right, it is.

I happened to stumble across a part on ebay that will fit so have bought it, but how easy is it likely to be to fit? It's mounted inside the casting at the top of the three point hitch that has the switch valve under the seat attached to the front end. I assume all that comes off in one piece? Will I need a new gasket for it?

I'm not the best mechanic in the world but I recon I can do this. It doesn't look too hard but I'd hate to pull it apart and not be able to put it back together!



M7040, L48 TLB, BX2200
Jan 8, 2010
Northern California
Your best bet would be to have a mechanic or handyman look at the part and the tractor.

You might be able to get someone to do it on the cheap. That would save you a lot of aggravation as well as being fairly sure the job would be done right.

An experienced mechanic would be able to look a the situation and evaluate what needed to be done in short order.


New member

Aug 8, 2012
Gloucestershire, UK
I have a friend who trained to be a plant mechanic some years ago. I think I'll take your advice and at least have him here when it gets taken apart so he can make sure I don't do anything daft! The trouble is I'm keen to learn - I'd really like to do it myself or at least be involved.

While I was waiting for a reply to this I had a good read of the forum. I got to page 22 and found a topic about someones B5200 dropping it's linkage when parked up. Mine does that too and it seems the fix for that is in the same area as the shaft I want to replace. I think I'll get some O rings on order so they're to hand at the same time.

How much is the three point on a little machine like this supposed to lift? I have a PTO saw bench that weighs in at over 300kg and it picks that up easily (as long as I weigh the front down). It sags back down really fast with that hanging off of it though - maybe a minute or so from full lift to the bench hitting the floor.


Lifetime Member

L3400DT W/ LA463 FEL and L235DT W/ BF400 Loader
Dec 26, 2011
Rising Sun, Maryland

If you're really "Keen to Learn", you should (IMO, must) spend some money on a good Shop/Service Manual and a Parts Manual. Well worth the money when that unexpected question or an explanation is needed. I knew absolutely nothing about Tractors until my first one. Needed some major and minor work done to get her back running great and with all leaks taken care of.

Bottom line, those manuals were my bible loaded with miracles. Good Luck.




Aug 23, 2012
Northport Maine
yeah what that guy said ^^ go to messicks and download all of the parts manuals and save them in a folder to your desktop. They are handy as hell and have pretty good exploded view diagrams. And if you plan on keeping this machine, spend the 200 bucks and buy a shop manual- I think the one for the B6200/7200 is one of the most expensive ones there is unfortunately. I just sold my B7200, great machine. I strongly (I know this is off topic) suggest that you take the time to do a couple things- First, make SURE the weep hole in the bottom of the steering column is clear. This lets water drain out of the column. And second, change the fluid in the steering box. So important, just do it. It cost me alot of dough because the prev owner of mine never did. I was in the middle of a job @ home with it, and the box let go. I went out and bought a new machine and sold the B7200. Just change it....