I found the Vid from Mike at Big Rock to be very informative and a good watch for anyone at anytime, there are a few hints in there that are good to get a refresher on...
I now own the Pat's system and it is much easier, honestly it is
That is a big but hehehe, if you are not familiar with PTO hookup and the way the PTO shaft expands and contracts then the Pat's system can be a major nightmare in the making.. It does add 4 inches to the arm length, and that has to be taken into account. the easy solution is to add a PTO extension to the shaft, but this "can" create other problems, so having a correctly sized shaft is the real solution..
Basically what I am saying is really do your research and make an informed decision...
(I put the parenthesis around the can as even this is a bit of YMMV some people swear by them others swear at them)