This is my sec. one, I Like using wood for a chainsaw holder, it wont dull the chain, and it's lite. I used 1/2" Oak, it's strong wood, drilled, clued and screwed. The first one I made lasted 6 years, it was still in great shape before it burnt up, another story.
I like to cut my firewood in the winter time, and to do that, I need chains on my tractor because of the ice and snow, some times 2'. There's something about a nice sun shiny Saturday in Maine, in the winter time, 20-30 degrees and no wend, a day like that = no BUGS, the wood hauls easier, and stays clean, that's a good thing when hauling logs to saw up on my mill. Dragging firewood on snow really smooth's out the woods road to, and I can wear my wool shirt without sweating.