"To me... If the rate is low... why use your own money ????? And when it's 0%... its just STUPID to use your own money."
better words have NOT be spoken.......well said brother - well said!

I tried to explain to some young people on several occasions about the positives of an equity line on their house.......
they said that they didnt want to open a line of credit, cause they didnt want to have to pay more bills.........
yet they had credit cards at 10% plus......
even explaining to them the rate <4% and taking off their taxes the interest..........still could not wrap there head around it......and the equity line was FREEEEEEEE...............
NOW - after 5 years......they both have one!
this is much the same concept .............IF YOU have the money in hand(bank) - leave it there !!!! HELL use it to make the payments, orrrrrr - leave it there and draw interest.....orrrrrr use it on a rainy day when your wife's transmission needs repair, or college payments, or that new gun you will want when whats her face gets elected. Money in hand beats the hell out of money spent!