Currently own an L3600 with LA680 FEL. My only options for backhoe seem to be a 3 point version. Considering fabricating my own undercarriage but the FEL seems to doing this already??? Disregard the terrible tongue weight
Indeed! Did not know about ladder subframes tho!
I was driving it home from the guy I bought it from. It was a “relatively” short drive. The 3/4 ton truck took in stride.hmm, can you back onto the trailer for less tongue weight ??
you could fab BH subframe 'wider' to go on top of LDR sub frame ?? so tractor<_ldr frame<--BH frame<__BOLT ??
so helpful!View attachment 115123
No need to worry about stupid things like sub-frames it doesn't look like you have a worry issue
I do not know about ladder sub-frames either.Indeed! Did not know about ladder subframes tho!