Can't identify part that fell off tractor.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Go in the shop "lunch is on me to the first person that can tell me what this is"

Buddy dropped the transmission pan on his 86 cougar.found a mushroom shaped piece laying in the pan. Spent a long time trying to figure out where it went.
Hous later he called me.I told him to throw it away. Was a plug used before factory installed dipstick tube.

What im getting at is may have been a cover used in the factory,and was lodged in frame.



Jun 20, 2017
Chesapeake VA
Just for kicks.

Try walking in to a dealer and show the cap to the greasiest mechanic in the service department! :D
Eventually I'll probably have to do that if we can't get it figured out here. The nearest dealer is quite a ways away or I'd have done that right off the bat.

That's "on my list" the next time I go there for anything or know I'm going by there.



Jun 20, 2017
Chesapeake VA
Go in the shop "lunch is on me to the first person that can tell me what this is"...

... What im getting at is may have been a cover used in the factory,and was lodged in frame.
Maybe ... Except that it was laying on the ground with the ringed side up and full of clean, fresh hydraulic fluid.

I just did a full filter/fluid change and service on it less than 10 engine hours ago. The hydraulic fluid is so clean it's hard to see exactly where it is on the dipstick. I have to remember to pull the stick and check it when the tractor has been sitting for a while and everything is settled. That same very clean and new fluid was in the cap when I found it laying on the ground.

My nearest dealership gets enough money out of me as it is but if I have to buy someone lunch that would still be better than operating without this thing in place and hurting my poor little tractor.

I HAVE to use the tractor, I have almost 5 acres of lawn to mow, plus all the other things I do with it. That tractor gets used for something several times a week.

North Idaho Wolfman

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Post some pictures of the tractor and mower deck!

What other vehicles / trailers do you have there?


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My guess is that it didn't come from your tractor. :rolleyes:

It fell off some other piece of machinery.



Jun 20, 2017
Chesapeake VA
Hi Scott,
Looks like fuel cap breather to me
You might actually have something there.

I was about to say "Nope, because ... " and then thought better of it and went to physically LOOK at the fuel cap. The underside of the fuel cap also has concentric rings but they're not interrupted with gaps like this rubber piece is. However, the rings meshed and the rubber piece snapped down into the underside of the fuel cap like it belonged there. When I replaced the fuel cap on the tank it screwed down like it's supposed to. When I removed the fuel cap again the rubber piece was still attached to the cap as though it liked being there.

This puts you in the best position for solving this puzzle so far. All I need now is for someone with a B7800 to go look at their fuel cap, see if there's a rubber piece in there that snaps in and out and looks like the one in my pictures. Posting a picture of an identical rubber piece would be a plus worth "extra points".

The explanation would then be that this thing had somehow come off sometime in the past and fallen where it got lodged in the frame/mechanics/guts of the tractor, then rode there until dislodged by a spurt of hydraulic fluid when the back pressure event occurred that popped out the dipstick.

This is reasonable and plausible, it fits the known circumstances and conditions. I bought the tractor used with less than 200 hours on it so it could easily have happened before I even owned the tractor. Which would also explain why I wasn't aware that it came off the fuel cap, the fuel cap has always looked the same since I bought the tractor. The tractor is pretty rough looking too, the previous owner didn't have any sort of shelter to park it in/under and I don't think he took care of it very well. (It actually speaks very well of the quality of these tractors that it survived this nincompoop in as good a shape as it did.) All of which I knew when I bought it and it got it pretty cheap as a result. So the guy who owned it previously may have known it fell off the fuel cap and didn't feel like fishing it out of the framework when it happened.

If someone can show me a picture of the same part removed from under their fuel cap we have a "winner" and the problem is solved!
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Alfred Maine
Looks exactly like the fuel tank cap on my B7500.


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L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
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Got a motorcycle? Looks similar to inner part of the cup for rear brake fluid.

Lil Foot

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Almost looks like the underside of a brake fluid reservoir cap.

Lil Foot

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And brake fluid looks a lot like hydraulic fluid.

100 td

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Jun 20, 2017
Chesapeake VA
Got a motorcycle? Looks similar to inner part of the cup for rear brake fluid.
Nope, no motorcycles here. Got a Suzuki 750 quad that never came anywhere within 100 yards of where I park the tractor, which is where this cap was laying. It wasn't laying there when I backed the tractor in, it was laying under the tractor after I parked and dismounted. The surface the tractor is parked on is white crushed concrete and there just is no way I missed a 3 inch black rubber part laying on it as I carefully backed into the space it has to fit into.

All of you who are trying to say that this might not be a part of the tractor really should give up on that line of thinking. I KNOW it came off the tractor. Thanks for trying to help but I'm 100% certain that this thing came from my B7800 Kubota tractor.



Jun 20, 2017
Chesapeake VA
Exactly the same as a B21 inner fuel cap gasket, just looked at mine.
EDIT: Part 80 of your pic NIW, and exactly same as OP photo.
Same part no. for B7500, B7800, B21 and probably many others, no one ever looks in the cap or pulls it out!

The picture the original poster put is identical to the part on the fuel cap of my B7500.
At this point I'm about 95% sure you guys are right. Like I said in an earlier post -- Those drawings are sometimes more representational than they are photographically accurate. It looks to me like it's part #80 in North Idaho Wolfman's posted parts drawing ... But that drawing isn't totally conclusive because it's a representation of the location of the part not a perfect drawing of the part.

The Messicks website link doesn't have a picture of the part, just a description.

If someone could post or link to a picture of that part then I'd be 100% certain. Being as I've had this thing in my hands any sort of clear picture would end the mystery authoritatively.


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Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
That's the frame plug that fell off my Suzuki DR-650! I wondered where I lost that!!! (LOL) I just ordered three more or I'd have you mail it back to me...

Love a mystery. Gotta be from somewhere. Its good you found it. Toss it in your toolbox and you'll find the hole missing a plug soon enough.




Jun 20, 2017
Chesapeake VA
Go in the shop "lunch is on me to the first person that can tell me what this is"

Buddy dropped the transmission pan on his 86 cougar.found a mushroom shaped piece laying in the pan. Spent a long time trying to figure out where it went.
Hous later he called me.I told him to throw it away. Was a plug used before factory installed dipstick tube.

What im getting at is may have been a cover used in the factory,and was lodged in frame.
I think we've pretty well narrowed it down to the cap breather gasket/diaphragm on the fuel tank cap but you might be partially right. This may have been laying somewhere on the frame all the way from the factory. It may be that someone bobbled it or dropped it during assembly and just left it there so that the parts count on the assembly line would come out right. Or it may have somehow fallen into that area sometime before I bought the tractor and whoever dropped it either couldn't find or couldn't reach it. Either way, it rode there for some time.

The whole situation is a convergence of unlikely coincidences:

1. That it fell off in the first place and apparently without anyone noticing.
1a. OR that it came from the factory this way.
2. That it landed somewhere on the tractor that held it rather than let it fall off and be lost.
3. That a spurt of hydraulic fluid dislodged it enough to fall completely off the tractor but NOT until I had run the tractor for quite a bit longer.
4. That it was laying on the tractor where a spurt of hydraulic fluid COULD dislodge it.
5. That it only fell off when I parked in a place that it could and would be seen.
6. That the circumstances involved in parking the tractor precluded the part coming from any machine other than the tractor.
7. That it didn't go under the mower deck and get shredded unbeknownst to anyone.
8. That even if it didn't get shredded it didn't fall off on a road, pasture or field where it would be just as lost as if it were shredded.
9. That it fell with the concave side up so it was holding hydraulic fluid, which made me think it had been blown off by back pressure.
10. That I happened to look under the tractor as I dismounted after parking so I saw it with fresh clean hydraulic fluid on it -- As opposed to a week or so later when I would maybe not have seen the hydraulic fluid or it would have gotten dirty leaving doubt as to the time frame. This indicated that it had JUST NOW fallen off.
11.That it was discovered after the over pressure/back pressure event that caused the hydraulic dipstick to pop loose and spurt a little hydraulic fluid, and it was discovered with hydraulic fluid on it -- Making me think that it was some sort of unknown cap somewhere that would be affected directly by hydraulic back pressure.
12. There's no way this could have slipped off the cap and gotten itself under the cowling and sheet metal. There's no gap or crack big enough for this to fit through to get in there and especially not unnoticed. Whatever caused it to end up where it was on the tractor until it finally fell off where I parked it ... wasn't some "normal" slip and slide to where it must have lain until it fell down on the ground. Which takes us full circle back to 1a above.
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