Good machine, you'll enjoy it.
Main advice I give new tractor owners (I'm now 2 years in, so some things I've learned, but still new enough to remember):
1. It's not a lawnmower, it's a proper machine. If you drive it into things it'll break them. Be really careful around your house, gates, fences, trees. The front end loader sticks out further than you think.
2. They're stable, but not as stable as you think. Momentum is not your friend, when you have weight on it go slowly, when you are on a steep angle go slowly. Lots of things that are safe at rest aren't safe at speed. Also be very careful turning
3. Keep the bucket low when you're not actively lifting something. It's lots of weight to have up high, it'll tip you over going around corners, going sideways on hills
4. Ballast the back when using the loader, you'll be able to lift more. The brakes don't work if your back wheels are off the ground....nor does the hydrostatic if you're in 2wd
5. Grease your loader and mower often. It's not hard, stops the joints wearing out
6. When you mow take the FEL off. Less weight on the lawn, machine feels much more nimble
7. If you're doing any serious work get some revs on the machine. It's made to run all day at target revs (3200 or thereabouts), you won't hurt it by using it
8. Buy lots of implements. Birthdays and christmas sorted for the next 3 years.
9. Keep it under cover, or under a tarp. Sun is not helpful to hoses and plastics - things like your seat.