BX25 runs rough when warm


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
The Star-tron enzyme treatment that D2 mentions "might" if it does as claimed, dissolve or break up the chunks or mats of algae so they would stop clogging up the fuel outlet from the tank. Just killing them with a biocide will only solve half the problem, ya gotta get rid of the little bodies :eek:.

If the tank has rust or chunks of the fuel gauge floating around loose, or a bug or something it won't solve the problem. I'd sure want to set up some kind of siphon to get as much out of the tank as possible and maybe determine what kind of stuff is clogging the outflow.

Shadow Lee

New member

Mar 5, 2021
Folsom, CA
BX25 would run sorta OK with limited power for about 15 minutes then stumble & stall. Would not restart. Wait 20 minutes and would restart. Long story short, owner mistakenly added gasoline.

Also, vent in fuel cap was clogged. It's a little rubber piece underneath small gray snap-on cap.


New member

Mar 7, 2022
Oshkosh, Wi
I have been struggling with the same issue for 6 months. I swapped out the fuel filters, fuel pump, checked all my lines. I checked the gravity feed from my tank and it was good. I drained all the fuel, put in fresh with fuel cleaner. Nothing worked. I finally pulled the fuel line when the tractor was sputtering and found there was no fuel pumping through. I let the tractor sit for 30 minutes and I had fuel again. I ran the tractor for 15 minutes and it died again.
To make a short story long, I pulled all the fuel lines back to the tank as quickly as I could and “Ta-da” no fuel coming out of the tank. As it sat there the fuel started coming out faster and faster.
I attached a small piece of cloth to a coat hanger and started to push it back and forth in the tank and the fuel started flowing freely. I drained all the fuel and grabbed my ice fishing camera and put it down in the tank. After about a minute, I found a whole cotton wood leaf in my tank.
Problem solved. I had checked the flow a couple,of times in the shop, but didn’t see the gas issue until the problem arose and I quickly pulled the fuel line. The problem would clear after is sat there for 30 minutes.


New member

Dec 10, 2023

Before buying a new pump I needed to verify I didn't have a clogged line or junk in the tank so I Worked my way back along the fuel line, disconnecting sections at a time, and blowing out each with compressed air. Got to the last section, the one that feeds fuel into the first filter and did the gravity flow test as recommended. Just a trickle came out. (The engine was still pretty hot warm btw) Aha. Blew air into it and at first felt a blockage then sort of a "pop" as whatever was blocking the flow cleared. Fuel started gushing out of the line (and all down my arms). Ugh.

My Best theory on why this clog only happens when it's warm is that the gunk is some sort of material that changes viscosity with temperature. Maybe algae? I would imagine that algae when cold is harder and let's fuel pass but when warm it sort of "melts" and creates a blockage? Who knows.

Now, anyone know of a way to remove algae (and or other debris) without yanking out the fuel tank?

As for finding the cause I want to thank everyone here for their helpful input and suggestions!!!
Thanks for this thread. This fixed the exact same problem on my BX25D. The fuel, however didn't go down my legs as with the OP, the fuel went into my mouth. Yuck. I don't recommend it as hydration.