My blade pins to the BX22 quick hitch, not the loader arms. I don't believe in using the loader for plowing, since if you hit something solid, the chances of damaging one arm is a possiblity. The way that the quick hitch attaches to the frame of the tractor, the worse that can happen is the tractor slides sideways, which has happened to me when pushing a wet heavy snow. That is when I switch to the snowblower. If the snow is more than the BX can handle, I have a 1979 F250 4X4 dump truck with a 8' Fisher plow that is capable of moving mountains of snow.
It all comes down to your budget, using the loader with the plow attached to the arms, is a lot less expensive than a dedicated quick hitch costing $750 (approximately). My first plow set up was a 1948 Willis jeep, with a 6' plow and no heater. That was a very, very long time ago. Now, I am more interested in getting it done quickly and comfortably.