BX23 (current) - how much lifting force Backhoe?


New member
Mar 31, 2016
Hickory, NC
I'm in the final stages of purchasing a BX23 (tractor, loader, backhoe) from a local dealer. They are not the most communitive people - I feel like I can barely get answers to really important questions - so I'm posing this here.

I have a LOT of rocks on my property. I purchased the mechanical thumb for the backhoe so I can pick the reasonably sized ones up. I'm assuming "reasonably sized" would be limited to what fits into bucket. I started thinking and am now wondering what the weight limit for lifting would be for the for the current series BX23 backhoe. I'm guessing that how the lifting is taking place matters. I'm assuming a rock that rolled down a hill and is sitting cleanly on the ground.

Thanks for any help,


RE. the dealership - I'm not totally thrilled at this point - but it also seems tractor buying is a bit different than car buying, so trying to be reasonable... Further, they're literally 5 minutes (1.8 miles) from work - so I've decided to work with them unless they really tick me off. They are a larger dealership, they couldn't have been handed an easier sale, but I digress - trading convenience for proximity at this point.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
it'll carry about 400-600 # depending on where it is( how high and far from back of tractor. It's cryptically shown in a figure 4.3 backhoe capacity in the BX23s manual, page 1-27.
as a comparison, that's be a stone block about 1' by 1' by 3' long. 'stone' weighs about 150# per cubic foot, more or less, + or -, rule of thumb...:)


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
It's actually on Page 38 of the operator's manual..yeah ,the book in the black pouch in the seat back.......
well, my manual's on my desk, don't want to get it dirty !!

Tractor Dell

New member

Kubota BX23S
Jun 13, 2017
Central PA
I'm in the final stages of purchasing a BX23 (tractor, loader, backhoe) from a local dealer. They are not the most communitive people - I feel like I can barely get answers to really important questions - so I'm posing this here.

I have a LOT of rocks on my property. I purchased the mechanical thumb for the backhoe so I can pick the reasonably sized ones up. I'm assuming "reasonably sized" would be limited to what fits into bucket. I started thinking and am now wondering what the weight limit for lifting would be for the for the current series BX23 backhoe. I'm guessing that how the lifting is taking place matters. I'm assuming a rock that rolled down a hill and is sitting cleanly on the ground.

Thanks for any help,

Not being smart here, but Youtube some videos of a BX25D or BX23S doing work. You will see how people use their FEL and BH. I learned a lot of tips doing that. When I dig out stumps and whatnot, my biggest problem is lifting the front of the tractor off the ground and then trying to put it back down without dropping it. There is a fine line between using the maximum power of the BH and picking the front end off the ground. I am still learning that process. I have picked up rocks much bigger than the bucket. You just pinch them between the bucket and the thumb and keep it as close to the tractor as you can. I have also had to use the BH to "crab walk" a huge piece of concrete slab that I couldn't push with the FEL as I lost traction. If you use your imagination, and have patience, you can do almost anything with that BX. ;)

2 things I would recommend. Look at BXpanded for their Under Armor. If you are in the woods, you will damage that stupid little hydro fan if you don't have something down there. Also, if you have any kind of hills, look at Broteck to get some wheel spacers. I have 2 inchers on mine, and it makes the BX feel a lot more stable.



B2650 since 2018. BH77, LA534, Forks, 60" Bucket, 60" Mid mount mower
Mar 13, 2019
Another thing not to forget that I've done before is scoop a pretty full bucket of dirt and then try to pick up your rock with your BH. It's kept me from lifting the front before. Ballast is the key!


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Another thing not to forget that I've done before is scoop a pretty full bucket of dirt and then try to pick up your rock with your BH. It's kept me from lifting the front before. Ballast is the key!
This is great advice, I built a boulder wall with my 23S and had to keep the bucket full or I would have tipped it over. The wall partially complete and a 250lb rock being set in by the fire pit.



Well-known member

2017 BX23S 60" LP BoxBlade 54" mower 60" BackBlade EA 12" 1 bottom plow & Forks
Apr 1, 2019
Keep in mind! Any rock in that 3-600 lb range is most likely too fat to grab with the thumb.