Recently I had trouble with my BX2200 losing power, running rough and almost stalling out. It started every once in a while and then worsened to the point I really couldn't use the tractor. After researching the issue and following numerous suggestions (which I appreciated) I changed both fuel filters, replaced the fuel pump, blew air backwards through the fuel line towards the tank, used water displacement and fuel injector cleaners etc. and unfortunately none of that fixed the problem. Ended up being the seat safety cutoff switch. It was going bad and made the tractor think I was getting off of it while it was in gear which in turn would start to cut off the fuel. Never actually stalled completely but close several times with black smoke coming out of the exhaust. Anyway, changed out the switch for about $8 and 2 minutes and everything is back running like new. I just wanted to share as I saw other guys experiencing the same issue when I was researching the issue and hope that this may help anyone experiencing the problem in the future.