BX1870 PTO non-functional


New member

Apr 8, 2017
Dale, Texas, USA
Apologizes, I was unable to figure out how to search on "BX1870 PTO problem" or similar.
The search kept dropping significant words such as "pto".

I developed a hydraulic line leak to my front loader. Once the faulty line was replaced, I found I had no PTO function. Loader works, lift works, everything else is fine. But the mower won't engage. Everything was working properly before the hydraulic line leak developed. My mechanic tells me there is something wrong in the PTO box. But, since the problem seems to have been precipitated by the hydraulic leak, it also seems possible that some hydraulic bleeding is the problem. Anyone know anything about that?


New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
I assume you mean the three point lift. Could it be you turned the slow drop to the stop knob and now it is up and won't go down


New member

Apr 8, 2017
Dale, Texas, USA
The "lift" controls both the mower deck height and the 3 point. The lift works. The PTO turns the shaft that might be used to power 3 point implements and the mower deck. The PTO does not work. Normally, you select the destination of PTO power: mid, rear, or both. Another lever engages the mower normally with a loud "clunk". Neither of those two levers has any effect.

I am hoping someone will tell me that there is some magic bleeding procedure to make the PTO work after there has been a loss of hydraulic fluid as I had.
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Mar 8, 2013
St. George, Ontario
I'm sorry I don't have any advice to help resolve your problem, but I don't like your description of what normally happens when you engage the PTO.
On my BX24 when I engage the PTO to the MMM, I do not get a 'LOUD' clunk. That would certainly not be normal on my tractor.



New member

Jun 25, 2014
Lowell, Or
It should bleed itself. Have you checked the fluid level? Does it need topped off? Change the filter and check the screen? Change the fluid. My BX25D...the tilt cylinder blew and I ended up picking chunks of o-ring and metal of the quick disconnects. Speaking of which...
Have you unplugged the loader? Is the backhoe connected?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
One thing you might want to check and you probably have, is the position of the PTO lever, it has 3 positions
1 for the front PTO
2 for for both front and rear
3 for the rear PTO like for a tiller or rear mounted blower
Its not real hard to bump the lever from front to rear and the MMM wont run, or bump it so it is in between


New member

Apr 8, 2017
Dale, Texas, USA
Thanks for the comments!
1) the sound the mower makes when engaging seems normal. A lot of rotating stuff coming up to speed. The absence of such sound is notable.
2) As mentioned, a hydraulic liine (to the loader) had to be replaced. Fluid had been drained by the leak and was replaced after the repair.
3) It does not have a backhoe and the rear PTO has not been used.
4) I'm familiar with the PTO control positions: rear only, mid only, both (and none, I think). That's not the problem.

It seems highly unlikely that the PTO would go out at exactly the same time as the loader oil leak developed. If it is not a bleeding issue due to all the oil being lost, I am casting about for other possible causes that are related to the oil leak. I remain bumfuzzled. My last resort is sending it to the dealer ~75 miles distant. :-(


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
While I cannot give any advise concerning your issue, I will say that your description of how things work indicates that you have enough experience operating your equipment to know whether or not the various handles are in the correct position.

Maybe you can get the attention of North Idaho Wolfman. He is a genius with these tractors. I wish you good luck in finding the problem.

Dr Honda

New member

Mar 30, 2015
Pitt, PA
The PTO on that tractor is a gear box with a hydro clutch. SO.....

1) Loss of fluid wouldn't hurt the PTO drive. (gears) if the fluid was crazy low, and full of air... I guess you could have burt out the clutch. (if it was slipping)

2) I have the same tractor and I've never noticed a "Clunk" when starting my PTO. When I put the PTO on, I get a sag in my RPM, and some mechanical sounds as things come to speed... but never a "clunk".

3) The entire hydro system is self bleeding. So, make sure it's topped up, and work the FEL, the 3pt/deck lever... and then the PTO clutch.

If you think there is a physical problem with the gear box....

4) shift the PTO selector, and just feel if it's clicking in and out of the modes.

5) with the engine off... Put the PTO in "Both"... and manually turn the rear PTO, and see if the deck pto also turns. (checking for a mechanical issue)

if that checks... and your hydro fluid is topped off.... then there is a problem with the valve engaging the PTO clutch... or the clutch itself failed some how.

I would also check the screen in the hydro fluid for any debris.

Hope that helps.


New member

Apr 8, 2017
Dale, Texas, USA
An update:

The selling dealer was giving me poor service so I gave the tractor to another, near the same distance, dealer. The report from them was that a piece of sealant had been circulating in hydraulic fluid and clogged a port, keeping the PTO from engaging. A warranty failure. The dealer made the repair and returned the tractor, charging me $200 for transport. I operated the tractor for less than an hour and had the same problem: PTO will not engage. Dealer came to get the tractor again and kept it another several weeks. Since being returned, I has operated properly for about 10 hours.

Total cost to me for these new tractor problems: 100 mile trip to get a replacement for the cracked hydraulic line. ~$100 for the new line plus seals. $170 for a local mechanic to install the line, $200 to Kubota dealer to haul the tractor. About two months of lost service on a new tractor. Since this was happening during a period of heavy rainfall and I badly needed to be mowing, I asked the dealer about a loaner. He offered a rental.

I have about ten tractors, regularly using about three. This Kubota is my first new tractor. I don't think I'll be buying another new tractor. One of my old tractors is a Kubota which has given me good service; that reputation led me to buy the new Kubota.

Thanks for everyone's attention!