I have a 5 year old BX1860, that the battery is not charging. I can jump start it fine. Once jumped and running, voltage across the battery terminals is ~15v. With headlights and hazards on, drops to ~ 14.5 volts (tested with a "decent" multi-meter). Ran it for ~2+ hours mowing the lawn, brought back to the driveway and shut down. Immediately tried to crank it over, and it wouldn't budge - not even clicks coming from the starter.
Had to let it sit for 2 weeks due to work travel, now trying to troubleshoot. Same voltage across the battery once jumped. Power down and the battery is reading ~6 volts. It's the original battery so could well be shot, but I'm worried about the 15v reading when running. I don't want to replace the battery if I have a bad voltage regulator that will then overcharge again. Any way I can tell for sure what the problem(s) are?
Had to let it sit for 2 weeks due to work travel, now trying to troubleshoot. Same voltage across the battery once jumped. Power down and the battery is reading ~6 volts. It's the original battery so could well be shot, but I'm worried about the 15v reading when running. I don't want to replace the battery if I have a bad voltage regulator that will then overcharge again. Any way I can tell for sure what the problem(s) are?