So I landed an older L185DT.
After all the advice here I'd been gravitating to 30-35hp L models above my intended budget, then this thing appeared with a loader and box scraper for a song so I couldn't resist. 650ish hours. Starts immediately, burns clean, clutch and hydraulics all work fine. It needs three or so new hoses but no leaks at this point and the service has been kept up to date. The AG tires are probably original and the rears show cracks but work for now. Someone filled them with water vs. proper ballast so that'll need attention.
The previous owner bought from the original owner a few years ago, but they never got their hobby farm going and decided to completely retire. They let it go for what they paid - $4500. It'll pull the finish mower I'm picking up tomorrow and do the basics for year or two while I watch for something bigger and more modern.
Thanks again to everyone who contributed!
After all the advice here I'd been gravitating to 30-35hp L models above my intended budget, then this thing appeared with a loader and box scraper for a song so I couldn't resist. 650ish hours. Starts immediately, burns clean, clutch and hydraulics all work fine. It needs three or so new hoses but no leaks at this point and the service has been kept up to date. The AG tires are probably original and the rears show cracks but work for now. Someone filled them with water vs. proper ballast so that'll need attention.
The previous owner bought from the original owner a few years ago, but they never got their hobby farm going and decided to completely retire. They let it go for what they paid - $4500. It'll pull the finish mower I'm picking up tomorrow and do the basics for year or two while I watch for something bigger and more modern.
Thanks again to everyone who contributed!