I added a new MOD today. The mirrors like Wildfire has on his BX seemed to good to do without. They had been sitting in a box on my desk for a few weeks, just waiting to be installed. I ordered the little blind spot mirrors also just in case. Well, after installing the mirrors, I checked to see what I could and could not see. Directly behind the tractor inside the wheel base, was a huge blind spot. So, I added the little mirrors and it made a world of difference. Other mods on my wish list include somewhere for a chainsaw, shovel, rake and any battery powered tools I might need for a days work building or clearing land. I have been looking into a Ballast box and using it as a tool box. I also have been thinking about a larger gang box mounted to a pallet that is either picked up by the front forks or mounted to the 3pt hitch. I have also been looking into a mounting bracket for an ax to be placed on the right side along the floor. So many projects, so little time.