Well since there are literally thousands of BX series tractors out there running fine with the factory filters, there is no way that the factory filter is too fine. If you are plugging up the filters in a hurry, then you need to get your tank cleaned out and make sure that the fuel supplier is providing un contaminated fuel.
If you decide to put on a less fine filter, say a 15 or 20 micron (I am taking a guess that the factory filter is a 10 micron) then where do you think all that crud that was going to plug up the factory filter is going to go? Right into the rest of the fuel system, so rather than plugging up a relatively cheap filter, you can count on potentially damaging hundreds of dollars or injectors, or a few thousand dollar injection pump.
If you do want to replace the factory filter to get a longer MTBF, then a Racor style spin on filter with at least a 10 micron element would be good. Of course they are a bit larger, and harder to squeeze in the space available.
Personally I would not spend the money and time to install the Racor, I would just clean out the tank and make sure that the fuel that I am buying is clean and join the rest of the BX owners who can get a hundred or more hours out of a factory filter(s). No sense recreating the wheel, Kubota already built it, and did a nice job at that!
Just food for thought.