Thanks for all the feedback guys. After a test drive of both transmissions, I've decided that, while tempting, I should pass on the geared L3800. My property is tightly packed with undergrowth and pines and my tractor will be seeing ALOT of back and forth, especially loader work. While I was okay with using the geared tranny, the effort (or lack thereof) to operate the HST was just a hands down winner for me and my application.
So.... still no tractor yet. Trying to find another sweet deal, because honestly, now that I've seen the L3800 compared to a B series, I'm kinda sold on the L. I'm still considering the B2650 or 3350, but I'm really longing for an L in HST with TLB. After alot of searching, I'm beginning to realize that I may have to settle for a B, and that itself introduces the B or BX25D dilemna all over again. I don't know that I can justify spending $7k more for a TLB 2650 over a BX25D. The more I watch Wildfire's videos, the more I'm starting to think I should go back to where I started (BX). Of course, I won't be pushing any pines down with it, but I can cut 'em, drag 'em, and use the backhoe to lift and then cut them up with the saw like Wildfire does in his video. Man its alot of trees though. Doing it his way will be a longer endeavor than just pulling or pushing them out with an L.
If you've seen Wildfire's video where he and Tim are cutting down pines in the backyard, I'm talking about that plus another 150 trees or so. And that's not counting all the deadfall I have laying around. I mean, I'm bringing in a dump truck to haul this stuff off. The BX won't even lift up to the dump truck will it?