2020 BX 23S
40 hours
Newbie owner
Went to use my chipper for the first time yesterday.
Everything in neutral, flipped the seat up with back lever, engage pto, stalls.
sat in seat, engage pto stays running.
get up, stalls.
Go get the manual, follow directions, stalls.
repeat everything, check everything, stalls.
Bring it back to yard area, flip seat back around, SLAM the PTO lever down to rear PTO selection, it runs!!
Take it back out to woods, repeat everything, flip seat around engage PTO, stalls.
Jam the lever down to rear PTO postition, stays running!!
Barely lift the PTO lever a tiny finger-bit out of rear position towards mid-pto position, stalls right away.
Obviously I have a linkage problem with PTO selector lever, if its not jammed down in the rear position the tractor stalls out. It took me 10-15 minutes to figure out it was NOT the seat switch.
Question: Is this linkage something I can get in there and adjust myself? Anyone have experience with this?
My temporary solution is going to be to hook a bungee on the lever and stretch it down and hook it on the fender to keep it in the rear position.
40 hours
Newbie owner
Went to use my chipper for the first time yesterday.
Everything in neutral, flipped the seat up with back lever, engage pto, stalls.
sat in seat, engage pto stays running.
get up, stalls.
Go get the manual, follow directions, stalls.
repeat everything, check everything, stalls.
Bring it back to yard area, flip seat back around, SLAM the PTO lever down to rear PTO selection, it runs!!
Take it back out to woods, repeat everything, flip seat around engage PTO, stalls.
Jam the lever down to rear PTO postition, stays running!!
Barely lift the PTO lever a tiny finger-bit out of rear position towards mid-pto position, stalls right away.
Obviously I have a linkage problem with PTO selector lever, if its not jammed down in the rear position the tractor stalls out. It took me 10-15 minutes to figure out it was NOT the seat switch.
Question: Is this linkage something I can get in there and adjust myself? Anyone have experience with this?
My temporary solution is going to be to hook a bungee on the lever and stretch it down and hook it on the fender to keep it in the rear position.